Something was wrong, though.
My leg itched, and suspecting an insect, I looked closely. I found several
seeds which had evaded vigorous washing, and I remembered what Ernest Giles
In 1872, in Australia Twice Traversed, he wrote of
"…the so-called spinifex or porcupine grass — botanically, the Triodia, or Festuca irritans…"
About a week later, he added
"Whenever one moves, these spines enter the clothes in all directions,
making it quite a torture to walk about among them." Well, I can confirm
Three weeks later, Giles
"… fell into a hideous bunch of this horrid stuff, and got pricked from
head to foot; the spiny points breaking off in my clothes and flesh caused me
great annoyance and pain for many days after." I didn't try that.
A few days later, he that he and the horses were
suffering after going through 200 miles of "the vile stuff", and my
third shot, showing a Triodia-covered
hillside will give you the idea of what it was like.
Giles usually travelled with a small dog, and learned to
carry a dog called Monkey, when they passed through Triodia. That was less possible with camels, and he reported in
1875 that they lost all the hair on their legs up to three feet, and the bare
skin turned black. In 1897, David Carnegie's horses and camels were so hungry,
they ate spinifex.
Spines and prickles have always interested me, and if you
look at http://www.tinyurl.com/ozlingo,
you will find that the Bathurst burr and cobbler's pegs were once a part of my
long list of temporary obsessions.
Here are some views of cobbler's pegs seeds, Bidens sp. The first is of a germinating seed, the others are views of ungerminated seeds, showing the prickles that help the seeds attach to animal fur or human clothes.

Now here, on the right, is a tick, also seen under the microscope: note the barbs on the stylet between the palps! This particular tick was in my neck for several hours, some years ago, and my wife pulled it out with tweezers. It hurt, so I took a closer look, and realised why so many expletives flew as she pulled it out. Usually, this is the time when some of the tick's gut contents are pumped into the patient.
This pumping effect is why using tweezers is NOT recommended any more. Freeze, don't squeeze!

Finally, how do you handle an echidna?
Answer: very carefully! If you do ever need to handle one, you (1) need training, you (2) need a very good reason to do so, and (3) either use heavy leather gardening gloves, or an old coat, or several layers of thick towelling. At a pinch, two wallets will save your hands...
I once stopped traffic on the Hume Highway to move one off the road, so this sort of situation can arise, but as a rule. just leave them alone. (I have to say that the Hume Highway drivers I briefly inconvenienced were all considerate and understanding, but the echidna was probably a bit traumatised, though less so than it would have been if a truck went over it.
We cannot call any of these organisms, or their outer layers, pointless. Like all of nature, they merit closer study.
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