This book, Australian Backyard Earth Scientist, is now out.
While I was writing the Teachers' Notes, it occurred to me that large format copies of some of the pictures that I used there could be helpful, so I have tested, and found that most services smallify pics horribly, or gouge the owner for sharing stuff for free.
So I am going to post them here, and this is the third set. I retain all copyright, but note the following let-out:

This Creative Commons copyright allows non-commercial use in any form, with attribution and share-alike.
Most of the images will look huge on the blog page, because they are all inserted as "original size" which means they will normally come out as 1600 x 1200 (some images are older and smaller format) Titles appear under the images,: to get any picture onto your computer, right-click and choose "save image as". The file titles are complex but sufficiently descriptive, while the captions will help.
There will are multiple pages:
ABES Teaching Pictures
ABES Teaching Pictures 2
ABES Teaching Pictures 4
Marble floor, Nordic Museum, Stockholm, Sweden.
Marble bedrock, Maligne Canyon, British Columbia, Canada.
Rock collection.
Making borax crystals.
Borax crystals after one hour in sun on black paper.
Borax crystals after 24 hours.
Borax crystals, well-dried.

Mt Yasur, Vanuatu, sending up bombs.
Granite tor, Freycinet peninsula, Tasmania.
Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia.
Granite tors, Wave Rock, Western Australia.
Growth rings on a sawn pine log.
The same growth rings, sanded and magnified.
See also:
ABES Teaching Pictures
ABES Teaching Pictures 2
ABES Teaching Pictures 4
One of the labels for this is the book title: click on that to see what else is available: the link is just below this.
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