The old Greeks called the art of steering a boat something that sounded like 'kubernan', but for complicated reasons to do with the ways we transliterate Greek into our alphabet, we write this as cybernan. The Romans were more accurate when they adopted this word into Latin as gubernare, calling the steersman a gubernator, a word that lives on in American English in 'gubernatorial race', a competition to elect a governor.
In the engineering sense, a governor is once again involved
with a sort of steering. In simple terms, it is a control device which stops
something from running out of control, and cybernetics is intended to carry
that same sense of control, of maintenance of the status quo.
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Watt's governor |
James Watt did not invent the first steam engine, but he
invented a governor, the first automatic speed control for a steam engine. This
neat gadget featured two brass balls and a series of levers called a pantograph
(another Watt invention that he later adapted to reproduce drawings, among other
things). Watt's 'governor', from the Latin word, reduces the steam supply when
it spins faster, and increases the steam supply when it runs slow, and thus by
feedback (another Watt invention), it controls the engine's speed.
With careful design, the steam engine and the governor ease
into a compromise where the engines spins at constant speed, and the governor
holds the balls at a constant angle, so the steam supply is held constant.
Norbert Wiener went to the Greek word to name his method of
aiming guns to shoot down German 'buzz bombs' (which used feedback controls as
well), he dubbed his control systems and their study "cybernetics".
And that, in turn, gave us cyborgs, cyberspace, cybercrime and cybersex, so now
'cyber' means anything done by computer communication. But the language
progresses: if people who know each other in cyberspace meet in the real world,
they are in meatspace.
In nautical space, the item used by the steersman to control
the ship was a stéorbord in Old
English, a rudder or paddle placed over the side of a ship, traditionally on
the steerboard side, which became the starboard side. The other side of the
ship used to be called the larboard side, and this is often explained as a
corruption of lee-board, but this is unlikely for a number of reasons.
It is
rather more likely that larboard comes from the Middle English laddeborde or latheborde. This indicated the side of the ship from which loading
took place, now called the port side, also meaning the side from which loading
took place, but preferred by sailors because it was less likely to be confused
with 'starboard' when shouted in an order given in a howling gale.
Sadly, one bit of folk etymology attaching to port and
starboard, the alleged origin of 'posh' is completely untrue. The yarn has it
that 'posh' stands for 'port outward, starboard home', indicating those who, in
travelling from England to India, were to be allocated the cabins on the
shadier port side while sailing to India, and the shadier starboard cabins
sailing back to England. It is a pretty tale, but one entirely unsupported by
any evidence. In reality, 'posh' probably was a slang term for money.
Some things change slowly: young people going to see are
still taught that "If two lights you see ahead, port your helm and show
your red", which means swinging the tiller over to the port side, which
turns the bows to starboard, showing the port light, which is red, yet the
tiller was replaced by the ship's wheel soon after 1700. Small boats still have a tiller, but few of them have navigation lights.
This tiller, nothing
to do with farming, was the grooved stock of a crossbow, and hence a beam of
similar size used to control a rudder, a word which comes from the same root as
'row', reminding us that originally the helmsman steered with an oar-like

But why was he called the helmsman? Did he have a special hat, a turn-helm?
Apparently not: the steering sort of helm was a hjalm in Old Norse, and that was just another name for the tiller.
When Mao Zedong was acclaimed as the Great Helmsman, he may have governed many
people, but he did not need a Chairman Mao hat to qualify for the title.
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