Friday, 13 September 2024

The biology SPLATs

What are SPLATs? They are explained here.

The principles of classification

  • The study of classification is called taxonomy, but there are many ways of dividing up an existing group of living things, depending on the assumptions made.

  • Living things can be sub-divided according to similarities, but the end result will depend on which similarities are studied and taken into account.

  • John Ray published a study of Cambridge plants in 1660, setting a new standard for descriptive work in botany that would influence his successors.

  • Around 1700, while working at the Jardin des Plantes, Joseph Pitton de Tournefort developed the idea of a genus that Linnaeus would later seize on with delight.

  • In 1753 Linnaeus published his Species Plantarum, which marked the beginning of what we now see as the standard modern binomial (genus and species) plant names.

  • In 1758 Carl von Linné ( Linnaeus ) published the tenth edition of his Systema Naturae. Modern binomial zoological names for animals began at this point.

  • In 1766 Buffon suggested that each Linnaean genus stemmed from a single ancestor. This was part of Buffon's theory that all evolution was degeneration.

  • Linnaeus did not like the Comte de Buffon and his ideas at all, and took advantage of this, as the chief namer of things, to call a stinky weed Buffonia.

  • The common five kingdom classification of living organisms is Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. In this system, the Archaea lie in the Monera.

  • The highest level of classification is generally taken as the kingdom, and in that system, the level below the kingdom is a phylum.

  • A species is defined as a group of organisms that share a common gene pool and breed together, or could do so, if they were in the same place at the same time.

  • Another definition of a species regards them as a group of organisms which share in a common gene pool. This leaves isolated populations as a problem.

  • Every species is named according to the rules of binomial nomenclature, with a unique genus name and a species name that is unique within that genus.

  • The sub-divisions of living things are assumed to reflect their history in evolution fairly closely, but there will always be some argument around the edges of this.

  • All sorts of data may be used in arriving at a classification system, including genomics, biochemistry and structure, and these may lead to conflicting results.

  • In a few cases, convergent evolution may produce similar organisms and trick scientists into grouping unrelated organisms together, based on similar appearance.

  • In a few cases, the effects of adaptive radiation may lead to rapid change and trick scientists into separating related organisms because they look different.

  • One way to avoid confusion caused by misleading appearances is to use genomic evidence, but horizontal gene transfer can interfere with this form of evidence.

  • One popular form but somewhat radical form of taxonomy is called the cladistic method, another popular form of taxonomy is called the phenetic method.

  • Some groups are suspected of being polyphyletic: the bats, for example, are composed of two groups, and some scientists think these evolved separately.

  • Having a group called 'invertebrate' shows us an unnatural division of living things, as about all they have in common is the lack of a backbone or notochord.

  • Mammals are often grouped by their dental formula, the numbers of incisors, canines, premolars and molars in their jaws. This usually matches other evidence.

  • In 1842, Johannes Müller rediscovered and confirmed something that Aristotle knew: that dogfish young can have a placenta-like attachment to the mother. 

The history of evolutionary ideas

  • T. H. Huxley was 'Darwin's bulldog', a scientist who single-mindedly defended Darwin's notion that evolution was driven by the process called natural selection.

  • When Darwin proposed in 1859 that evolution was due to natural selection, he was not the first to try to explain evolution, or the first to propose that cause.

  • In 1667 Nicolaus Steno recognized the homology of the mammalian ovary with that of the egg-laying animals, thus making a major advance in comparative anatomy.

  • In 1753 Buffon wrote about the donkey, which he treated as a degenerate horse, but this still implied the operation of a form of evolution from earlier forms.

  • In 1801 Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck elaborated his theory of evolution based on inheritance of changes to organs acquired by continued use and loss through disuse.

  • In 1802, William Paley published his Natural Theology, an 'argument by design' for the existence of God, and boosted interest in taxonomy and natural history.

  • Two centuries later, the intellectually bankrupt 'argument by design' is still being peddled, disguised as an 'all-new' 'intelligent design hypothesis'.

  • In 1838, Charles Darwin read what Thomas Malthus had to say about populations. This argument would be a key component in his later reasoning about evolution.

  • In 1844, Charles Darwin wrote out his first sketch of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The main points were there, but it lacked detailed evidence.

  • In 1844, when Darwin wrote a first draft of what would later become his world-changing 'On the Origin of species', he set it to one side nervously.

  • In 1844, Robert Chambers published his anonymous 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation'. It may have encouraged Darwin to delay publishing his ideas.

  • After the anonymous publication of the 'Vestiges', there was a lot of controversy about the identity of the author, and also about the book itself.

  • In 1857, Charles Darwin wrote a long letter to Asa Gray, setting out his arguments for believing that evolution was driven by the effects of natural selection.

  • In 1858, spurred by Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin wrote and presented a short paper on his evolutionary theories, and also a letter from Wallace.

  • Many of Darwin's colleagues went to great lengths to establish that Darwin had thought of natural selection first, and had discussed it with them.

  • In 1859, Charles Darwin finally published the first edition of 'On the Origin of species', a work that would go through a number of revisions in his lifetime.

  • Adam Sedgwick, Darwin's old geology teacher at Cambridge, never accepted the latter's theory of evolution, remaining one of the notion's stronger opponents.

  • While Charles Darwin championed the idea of evolution driven by natural selection, but often showed signs of him accepting the inheritance of acquired traits.

  • Where Charles Darwin differed from those who went before him: he had the insight to see that natural selection could drive evolution, and he had the evidence.

  • Both Darwin and Wallace were prepared to recognise the role of natural selection because they had both collected large numbers of specimens in many places.

  • In 1976, Richard Dawkins published The Selfish Gene, which had as its thesis that genes which acted in a way to favour their survival would be selected.

  • In 1972, Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge proposed the notion that punctuated equilibrium may be seen in evolution, with quiet periods and active periods. 
The nature of evolution
  • Evolution is mainly about changes in gene frequency, caused by natural selection of those individuals better suited to the conditions in the recent past.

  • The thing to keep in mind with evolution is that individuals do not evolve. The things which evolve are genes and gene combinations that are selected by chance.

  • Extinction is the fate of all species, as a species, but in many cases, their descendants survive as new species. Some species will die out entirely.

  • The key to understanding evolution is that all populations contain individuals which have varied forms, and these forms can influence the chances of survival.

  • The variation within a species derives from mutations: these provide a basis for selection of traits which can be inherited, leading to new gene frequencies.

  • Because of natural selection, most individuals are well-suited for where they live. A mutation changes this and usually makes individuals less well-suited.

  • Many mutations that survive are minor changes that make little difference unless the environment changes, when they can suddenly become important.

  • All organisms change over time as the conditions in which they live change. Today's cockroaches only look like ancient ones. They are genetically distinct.

  • The term "survival of the fittest" is misleading. Evolutionary survival does not mean staying alive, but managing to produce viable offspring which are fertile.

  • One standard view of evolution is gradualism. Another standard view of evolution is punctuated equilibrium. The truth probably is a mix of the two viewpoints.

  • Evolution does not always lead to an improvement. In fact, most evolutionary paths lead to a dead end of specialization and extinction when conditions change.

  • Under normal circumstances, when a species become extinct, it will be replaced by one or more other species or subspecies, usually from nearby.

  • When a species or subspecies moves into a new niche, those individuals are often isolated from the parent population, and slowly diverge new directions.

  • Evolution can be made easier by an isolating mechanism, which allows the founder effect to operate in the first place, and then makes genetic drift more likely.

  • Evolution can be assisted by ecological isolation which lets new varieties avoid being swamped by weight of numbers or out-competed until they are established.

  • Isolation can take the form of geographical separation where breeding individuals from the two populations simply do not ever having contact with each other.

  • Isolation and can also take the form of behavioural separation where the two populations read at different times more in different ways, so genes don't mix.

  • Every living thing shows adaptations that make it better able to live in the habitats where it is found than others, or it would not be able to flourish there.

  • In the absence of selection pressure, small populations may differ from other populations in random ways as a result of the founder effect and genetic drift.

  • Genetic drift happens in small populations as a result of the occasional chance loss of genes from the gene pool. Once lost, genes can only rarely be replaced.

  • The founder effect can be seen in small isolated populations where only a few related individuals or families established the original breeding population.

  • Without selection pressure, the Hardy-Weinberg Law says gene frequencies will not change in large populations, so any changes indicate some form of selection.

  • As a general rule, things which look very similar have evolved from a common ancestor, although evolution can also make different lines look fairly similar.

  • Some biochemical functions are so essential that they appear, almost unchanged, in all life forms, because any change in their operation would bring death.

  • Key genes are conserved over very large time scales, because mutations in those genes tend to be lethal. This is why humans and yeast have some common genes.

  • Homeotic genes perform the same function in very different organisms, directing the formation of parts like legs and eyes, and are yet to be fully understood.

  • There is a sequence or progression of inter-relationship from predation to parasitism to commensalism, which can even become a limited form of symbiosis.

  • Many organisms that start out in a predator-prey relationship evolve into a symbiotic relationship which benefits both organisms as this favours both parties.

  • Many forms of behaviour are inherited, and so some sorts of behaviour are able to evolve, if they give some sort of advantage in reproduction or survival.

  • Atmospheric pressure and density affect many animals, while gravity affects all land animals and most aquatic animals. This plays a role in evolution.

  • The laws of physics affect animals in many ways, often influenced by the scale of the animal: think of an ant and an elephant falling off a cliff together.

  • Evolution on another planet with different gravity might produce very different results, some of which would be hard to predict in advance of going there.

  • Herbal drugs rely on chemical effects that have evolved over long periods, so they are likely to be at least biologically active against some forms of life.

  • The laws of physics and the strengths of living materials place strict limitations on how large individuals can be in particular environments and habitats.

  • If an animal doubles its length, its weight increases eight-fold while its legs are four times as thick, meaning there is a much greater loading on each leg.

  • If a bird doubles its length, its weight increases eight-fold while its wings have four times the area, meaning there is a much greater loading on each wing.

  • Evolution in animals favours shapes which experience less drag. This accounts for the similar streamlined fish-like shapes of marine reptiles and mammals.

  • In 1862, Henry Walter Bates observed mimicry of distasteful or poisonous species by harmless, palatable species in butterflies now known as 'Batesian mimicry'.

  • The number of closely competing types in an area seems to be controlled by guild theory, which sets the limit at about seven. Nobody really knows why.

  • The Archaea are alive today, but they appear to be very similar to the oldest forms of life in terms of the way they live and are internally organized.

  • There ought to be about 30 members of the Archaea that cause diseases in humans, but there seem to be no pathogens at all among this ancient group.

  • Nobody is quite sure why that should be, but it is likely that by 2020, we will have worked out why the Archaeans don't cause disease, and why it is important. 

  • The principles of biogeography

    • Around 400, St Augustine considered the distribution of the animals after Noah's flood, and suggested that either men or angels must have transported them.

    • Science cannot sustain the view that there ever was a flood like Noah's, and so does not consider this distribution puzzle as a real problem.

    • In 1860, Alfred Russel Wallace described the boundary between the Australian and Oriental faunal regions, now usually called the Wallace line or Wallace's line.

    • The Wallace's line follows a deep-water channel which runs between Kalimantan and Sulawesi, and between Bali and Lombok, dividing Indonesia into two zones.

    • In 1859, Asa Gray suggested the north American and Eurasian floras had once been homogeneous, then separated by Pleistocene glaciation and by later evolution.

    • Lydekker's line and Wallace's line are examples of biogeographic boundaries that mark the limits of ancient zones of evolution and the spread of various taxa.

    • Evidence for evolution is found in biogeography, where related types of land animals such as Old and New World monkeys are found on related land masses.

    • Biogeography also reveals lots of useful information about the way the planet's tectonic plates have moved around in the past, carrying life forms with them. 

    The principles of the origins and history of life

    • One theory of the origins of life with no evidence is panspermia. It is an interesting idea, but unsupported by any fossil or other evidence so far.

    • Panspermia is based on the belief that our planet was somehow seeded with primitive life forms that were floating around in space, and managed to reach here.

    • The main argument in favour of panspermia is that life seems to have appeared on Earth very soon after the earliest date at which it was possible for it.

    • Around 1630, Jan Baptista van Helmont offered a recipe for making mice by spontaneous generation by leaving wheat and an old shirt, soaked in sweat for 21 days.

    • In 1651 William Harvey published his Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium with the aphorism "ex ovo omnia", (all come from eggs), on the title page.

    • The 1748 experiments of Buffon with John Needham seemed to show that micro-organisms could spring up spontaneously in jars of sterilized meat broth and gravy.

    • In 1862, Louis Pasteur conclusively disproved that spontaneous generation of living organisms ever happens with a series of carefully controlled experiments.

    • The history of life can be deduced from the evidence, which includes many other observations other than the fossil evidence, though that gives us a clear story.

    • Before they could move onto the land, animals needed to have a way of breathing air, because gills do not work out of water, thanks to surface tension effects.

    • Surface tension makes external gills almost useless in land animals, because the individual 'fibres' will become matted together. Lungs are needed instead.

    • Serial endosymbiosis theory says the various parts of eucaryotic cells were once separate organisms which came together to form a more effective combination.

    • In 1971, Lynn Margulis proposed an endosymbiont theory, otherwise known as serial endosymbiosis theory, to explain the origins of eucaryotic organelles.

    • In 1977, researchers discovered chemosynthetically based communities located submarine thermal springs on the Galápagos Rift. Many others have since been found.

    • Temperature affects many animals, although some living things are extremophiles and flourish in extremely high temperatures in volcanic and thermal springs.

    • Life began early in the Precambrian era, probably at least 3800 million years ago: most of the rocks of that time have been lost or altered since then.

    • Urey and Miller sparked a mixture of gases: ammonia, methane and steam, similar to what they thought might have been the atmosphere on the early Earth.

    • Urey and Miller wanted to see if complex organic molecules can form, free of any living influence. The electrical sparks produced a complicated organic 'soup'.

    • We suspect now that methane was absent from the original atmosphere, and that carbon was present as CO2. This means that the experiment probably proves nothing.

    • Life forms changed very fast after the Cambrian explosion, for reasons which are still not completely clear, but probably relating to increased competition.

    • One plausible explanation for the Cambrian explosion is that the evolution of vision forced animals to develop better ways of avoiding or resisting predators.

    • Life evolved in the water, then came on to land: first plants, then the amphibians, or maybe the insects: the fossil evidence will probably never tell us which.

    • Before they could grow to any height on the land, plants needed to have conductive tissues to carry water up to their tops, and special structural tissues. 
    The evidence for evolution

  • Evolution is a fact. There are Darwinian explanations of evolution and others. Right now, Darwinian explanations make the most sense of all the evidence.

  • No scientific evidence of any sort exists to suggest evolution did not happen: the different records are all consistent in their indications of past history.

  • Take 2 on evolution: every competent scientist accepts evolution as a fact. Their only questions are on the fine detail of what caused it to happen as it did.

  • Our notion of species only works to describe a slice of time. Over long periods, most species change out of all recognition, even if superficially similar.

  • Scientists can be wrong about the details of evolution without evolution being wrong. Evolution happened: the study of evolution is about finding out how.

  • A classic case study of evolution, industrial melanism in the Lepidoptera, the evolution of dark moths in response to smoke pollution, is now in doubt.

  • Small parts of our fine understanding of the mechanisms of evolution change all the time, but the grand notion of evolution by natural selection still stands.

  • It is very easy for people who do not understand evolution to 'prove' it is wrong when all that is wrong is their understanding and knowledge of the facts.

  • No opponent of evolution has ever managed to offer a proof that evolution doesn't happen which has ever made any impression on any real scientist.

  • Evolution can be seen happening in small ways, but it takes perhaps half a million years for different species to develop so that it shows in the anatomy.

  • Biochemical changes and changes in gene frequencies can happen very much faster than changes in appearance, but anti-evolutionists ignore them.

  • Evidence for evolution is found in many things. One type involves fossil forms, the locations of modern forms, and the order of appearance of different types.

  • Evidence for evolution is found in comparative anatomy. The same basic plan is found across many types of plant in tissues, flowers, leaves and more.

  • Evidence for evolution is found in comparative anatomy. The same basic plan is found across many types of animal in structures like the heart and the eye.

  • All vertebrates show similar patterns in their anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, teeth, digestive systems, reproduction, embryology, and even in their genes.

  • The pentadactyl or five-fingered limb is found in most of today's vertebrates, and is seen in bird and bat wings, arms and legs and flippers of all sorts.

  • The wings evolved in different tetrapods are quite different: bird wings have feathers on skin over limb bones, bat wings are membranes over limb bones.

  • The wings which evolved in different groups of animals are different from mammals: insect wings are flattened bladders, flying fish wings are modified fins.

  • When living things have descended from a common ancestor, the chemistry of their cells will be remarkably similar, with similar or identical genes.

  • Evidence for evolution is found in the genome of every living thing. Very many genes are repeated, and closely related organisms have more common genes.

  • Traces of evolution may be found in the molecular evidence: chemicals in the cell, which are the product of genes, some of which will have been conserved.

  • Blood traces in and on fossils, DNA retrieved from amber and other unchanged matter can all provide evidence for evolution having happened in the past.

  • So-called junk DNA can indicate how things evolved, their phylogenetic relationship, but may also play a more important role than the name suggests.

  • It is unlikely that close parallel evolution happens very often, and when it does, it will not be so obvious when you look at the anatomy beneath the surface.

  • In 1680, anatomist James Tyson wrote: "If we view a Porpess on the outside, there is nothing more than a Fish, but if we look within, there is nothing less."

  • What Tyson had seen was the effect of convergent evolution which changes the outward appearance of an individual, while leaving internal arrangements unchanged.

  • Lamarckism and neo-Lamarckism might explain evolution, but doing so makes little sense as there is no good evidence that acquired characteristics are inherited.

  • Survival of the fittest is a poor way of describing natural selection, since fittest remains undefined, and will always shift its meaning as conditions change.

  • Social Darwinism has nothing to do with evolution, because it is about people trying to justify greed and hypocrisy. Social Darwinism cannot explain altruism.

  • Many animals demonstrate altruism, risking or 'sacrificing' themselves for the common good, which is hard (but not impossible) to explain in evolutionary terms.

  • A less mainstream view of evolution is found in the Gaia hypothesis which is interesting but lacks any sort of fossil evidence, partial Gaias or mini-Gaias.

  • One of the weaker evidences for evolution is found in recapitulation, but that line of argument still offers a reasonable case, compared with counter-arguments. 

  • Human evolution

  • All of the humans in the world are of the same species, although some racial groups show a range of adaptations that are useful in their chosen environments.

  • All living things with a global distribution will show the same sort of variation in different environments, but they won't necessarily become separate species.

  • Over time periods much greater than our lifetime, living things change in a process called evolution. This also applies to humans. We were once more ape-like.

  • We are probably not the same species as our direct ancestors of a million years ago, because the species has changed in a variety of ways since that time.

  • Humans have evolved over a long time: we are arguably the same species as our ancestors of 50,000 or 100,000 years ago, and could probably breed with them.

  • We probably could not breed with Homo habilis or Homo erectus, if we could travel back in time. We certainly could not breed with the Australopithecines.

  • In the past, humans have been shaped by natural selection and almost certainly by a variety of chance events, most of which we will never be able to identify.

  • Human shoulders have a collar-bone, showing they are built for brachiation, indicating that at some time in the past, our ancestors probably lived in trees.

  • It is likely humans evolved as they did after one or more genetic bottlenecks which saw most of their number wiped out, limiting the available variability.

  • Bottlenecks can be caused by many things: drought, famine and disease are three likely causes, but floods, fire and volcanoes probably also play a part.

  • We can learn about human evolution and origins from mitochondrial DNA in human populations, because this offers us an insight into the unbroken female line.

  • The evidence points to humans being descended from Australopithecus, or animals very like them, based on the fossil evidence we have collected since the 1920s.

  • As new evidence is found, so we adjust the way we see our hominin 'family tree' in minor ways, but the overall view remains unchanged, most of the time.

  • In 1974, Donald Johanson and Tom Gray found a 3.5 million-year-old female hominid fossil, 40% complete and named it 'Lucy', Australopithecus afarensis.

  • In 1771 Johann Friedrich Esper found human bones in a German cave, along with the skeleton of an extinct bear, raising some interesting considerations.

  • The first Cro-Magnon remains were found at Les Eyzies in 1868, in the Dordogne region of France. There were four skeletons, weapons and flint tools in the find.

  • We are descendants of the Cro-Magnon people, or else we are descended from people very like them, with a highly developed language system and culture.

  • The fossils we regard as like us and completely human are all from the Quaternary period, but modern humans evolved over a period of some millions of years.

  • Humans appear to be paedomorphic apes, shaped by neoteny, so that in effect, we advanced in an evolutionary sense by being retarded in our development.

  • Human groups may be recognized by the tools they make, but the first tool makers were probably the habilines (or Homo habilis), but this view may change.

  • One class of human tools is made up of the artefacts we call Acheulian tools, stone tools which reflect a form of manufacture common over a large area.

  • Almost all of the known and assumed ancestral forms found so far in the fossil record that seem close to humans have been found in Africa, or close to Africa.

  • Hominin brain size has shown a steady increase over time, but brain size is no more important than brain quality: modern humans have a considerable range.

  • The shape of a fossil hominin pelvis tells us a great deal about the hominins, about how they walked, and how large a brain they could have had at birth.

  • Hominins (previously called hominids) are the individuals in the fossil record who are closest to our ancestors. Future researchers will class us as hominins.

  • It is possible the Neandertals were a different species from us, or that they interbred with early modern humans. There is evidence for each of these views.

  • Java Man may or may not have been an ancestor of modern humans, mainly because some specimens appear to have coexisted in some areas with modern humans.

  • Nobody knows why the megafauna died in America and Australia, but it was either human hunting or climate changes which brought the humans in at the same time.

  • The position of the ramapithecines in human evolution is uncertain, but they are probably not part of the line leading to us, according to most researchers.

  • The position of the sivapithecines in human evolution is uncertain, but they are probably not part of the line leading to modern humans, just a side branch. 

  • Genetics and evolution

    • Charles Darwin could see that natural selection was the cause of evolution, but explaining properly had to wait for the discovery of the science of genetics.

    • Charles Darwin believed that the variation needed for natural selection to work came from what he called 'sports', equivalent to what we now call mutations.

    • The basic principle of evolution is that natural selection acts when changed conditions operate on chance mutations either existing or arising in a population.

    • From this viewpoint, evolution by natural selection is all about the changes in gene frequencies in a population after some condition or conditions change.

    • Charles Darwin found one major problem with his theory of evolution by natural selection because he believed inheritance operated by blending parental forms.

    • In blending inheritance, if you pollinate a red flowered with pollen from a white flowered plant, the seeds will develop into plants with pink flowers.

    • Blending inheritance is quite rare in nature, and Gregor Mendel knew this soon after Charles Darwin first published his theories on natural selection.

    • Because nobody took any notice of Gregor Mendel's work for many years, blending inheritance remained a problem for those who adopted Charles Darwin's ideas.

    • With blending inheritance assumed, people thought from this that any new mutation would be immediately 'swamped' by the normal genes in the same population.

    • In 1929, R. A. Fisher published his book 'The Genetical Theory of natural selection', which made an explicit link between Darwinian evolution and genetics.

    • In 1931, Sewall Wright linked selection pressure, mutation rates, inbreeding, and isolation, and proposed genetic drift, which he developed the next year.

    • In 1932, Sewall Wright outlined genetic drift, an effect caused by the chance loss of alleles in small populations, without selection being involved.

    • In 1939, Julian Huxley introduced the concept of the cline in evolutionary variation, a regular variation in gene frequencies with changes in the habitat.

    • Today, genetics is an important part of evolution, because it allows us to apply information from genomics when we want to measure how species are related. 
    Animal behaviour
  • Animals all exhibit behaviour, both instinctive and learned, controlling a range of competitive and social interactions in a way that avoids excessive injury.

  • Animals are consumer organisms with needs and requirements for food, water, shelter and nesting spaces, and they will compete to obtain access to these.

  • Behaviour influences natural selection because it is normally directed at gaining a larger share of the available food, mates, or shelter and nesting places.

  • Animals show intelligence in their behaviour and learning, for the very simple reason that their predators behave, and often, their food behaves as well.

  • Many animals engage in seasonal migration as they follow the available food sources such as plants or other animals, or to find suitable breeding conditions.

  • Animals interact in a variety of ways that affect their evolutionary fitness, especially when competing for resources: aggression is by no means the only form.

  • Instinctive behaviour is there from the start, hard-wired into the animals, while learned behaviour is acquired through experience, mainly in a social setting.

  • Societies of animals develop a dominance hierarchy which works to reduce conflict within the social group, so that competition takes place without injury.

  • At a very simple level, some forms of learning can be reduced to a series of conditioned reflexes, but most human learning is a great deal more than that.

  • In humans, most learning is a great deal more than acquiring conditioned reflexes, generally taking place in a social setting and demanding complex responses.

  • Animals demonstrate agonistic behaviour, an almost ritualized form of simulated attack, submission, threat and flight which rarely leads to injuries.

  • Animals with vulnerable juveniles will often use a distraction display to lead predators away from their young, offering themselves as potential prey.

  • Some animals rely on hibernation or aestivation, slowing their metabolism to survive periods of shortage in either winter or summer respectively.

  • Many animals demonstrate altruism, acting in a way that endangers them, but serves the greater good of the flock or herd, which carries the same genes.

  • We recognize unusual learning patterns in humans like ADD, ADHD, autism and dyslexia, and that most of these can be present to a greater or lesser extent.

  • In 1935, Konrad Lorenz described the imprinting behaviour of young birds, where they follow a moving individual, usually a parent, and identify with it. 

  • About populations

  • Population patterns may be described in two ways: in terms of its distribution (the area inhabited) and its abundance (the number of individuals in an area).

  • We can assess and measure distribution and abundance in a variety of ways, using standard survey and sampling methods such as transects and capture and release.

  • The law of mortality describes mathematically how populations change over time, while telling us very little about the various fates of the individuals.

  • Reduced mortality increases the population growth rate and changes population age structures, threatening economic problems if there are too many old people.

  • There are upper and lower limits to a viable and sustainable population density for any organism. Too low, they do not find mates, too high, they starve,

  • Human populations are dangerously high, or soon will be, mainly because infant mortality levels influence national birth rates more than other numbers.

  • There are many ways of controlling human population growth, but education of girls is one of the most effective ways of lowering future birth rates.

  • Population patterns and trends vary in different parts of the world where conditions and assumptions about child mortality and care of the elderly vary.

  • In 1662 John Graunt published his Observations on the Bills of Mortality of the City of London, establishing the art of the actuary and setting standards.

  • In 1679, the carrying capacity of Earth was estimated by Anton van Leeuwenhoek to be 13.385 billion people, based on what he knew of Dutch population densities.

  • In 1771, Richard Price created a life expectancy table based on the people on the parish register of All Souls Church, Northampton, the first such.

  • The poem The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith was published in 1770, and pointed to the population movements of rural people to industrial towns.

  • In 1798, Thomas Malthus published his An Essay on the Principle of Population, arguing that in the end, population growth would outstrip resource growth.

  • In 1801, the first British census provided hard data to show that there were massive population shifts going on, as people flocked to the industrial cities.

  • In 1824, John Stuart Mill was arrested for distributing birth control literature to poor people in London. Birth control was seen then as a need for the poor.

  • In any predator-prey relationships involving mammals, there will be a long-term balance in the numbers, even as there are significant swings from year to year.

  • In predator-prey relationships involving mammals, the long-term population swings are usually generated by external effects involving resources or climate.

  • Evolution operates on populations when the gene frequencies change in an isolated population because the individuals with those genes have more offspring.

  • Only populations are able to evolve, and they can only do so when they are isolated in some way from breeding with the population that they came from.

  • Populations can be in the same place and still be isolated from one another by behaviours such as different mating seasons, mating displays or calls.

  • Populations can be isolated by geographical barriers caused by rising sea levels, glaciers, new lakes or deserts, or by one population being on an island.

  • When a cline exists, anything that causes a break in the flow of genes back and forth along the cline isolates the populations at both ends of the cline. 

  • Interdependence

  • All living things form communities, passing material and energy back and forth. Almost all communities on land rely on plant-like beings for their energy.

  • The key to understanding an ecosystem is understanding interdependence as a question of probability and long-term dynamic equilibrium in materials and energy.

  • Plants use the light energy of the sun to drive chemical reactions which build carbon dioxide and water into more complex molecules, ending in sugars.

  • The key to a healthy ecosystem is biodiversity: while many organisms may be lost, some are keystone species, others act as buffers in lean years.

  • Plants and animals break down a variety of chemicals including sugars, originally derived from plants, to get the energy they need to carry out life functions.

  • The economist's view of a forest sees productive trees and non-productive trees as the only components, and regards non-productive trees as expendable.

  • The ecologist's view of a forest sees many complex webs of life forms, all interacting with and depending on each other to maintain the forest's integrity.

  • The ecological model of a forest sees a so-called non-productive tree as one which acts as a key shelter resource to many other parts of the forest ecosystem.

  • In any given ecosystem, many of the existing species would be replaced (so far as their role is concerned) by other species if they were entirely removed.

  • In any given ecosystem, there are some species, called keystone species, and if one of these is removed, the system will crash because they cannot be replaced.

  • In most ecosystems, because producers are more interchangeable, the keystone species is a top-order predator, referred to sometimes as the keystone predator.

  • In most ecosystems, the only certain way of identifying keystone species is to remove them, and then wait to see if the system crashes disastrously.

  • Some of the rivets in a bridge can be removed without the bridge being harmed, but nobody ever tests this principle by removing rivets until a bridge collapses.

  • These are the considerations which need to be taken into account when the extremely complex question of logging old growth forest is being considered. 

  • Biodiversity

  • In 1918, Nikolai Vavilov stressed the importance of biologic centres of origin as reservoirs of genes for use in cultivated strains derived from those regions.

  • During World War II, ordinary Russians made extraordinary sacrifices to preserve the biodiversity that was stored in the potatoes at the Vavilov Institute.

  • Every living thing makes compromises in order to survive in its environment, and the same general principle applies also to populations and their survival.

  • A successful organism is one which probably does best under optimum conditions, but it is able to survive under conditions that are less than optimal.

  • A successful population is one in which most of individuals are well-suited to their environment, but which has a range of other genes which are less useful.

  • Under natural selection, only the strains with the long-term advantages of biodiversity will survive, unlike situation where an artificial selection is applied.

  • This range of other less useful genes means that when conditions change, some individuals in the population will be able to flourish, or at least to survive.

  • Possessing a range of genes which might just come in handy at some future time, is what scientists mean when they talk about a population's biodiversity.

  • When a population of animals or plants falls, it is absolutely certain that many of the rarer genes which were found in the population will be lost forever.

  • In the same way, if a population is divided into small groups, it is likely that none of the groups will have very much biodiversity, leaving it at risk.

  • When zoos operate captive breeding programs, one of the things they have to be very careful about is to ensure that they retain biodiversity in their stocks.

  • Most crop plants exist as monocultures; with genetically identical individuals covering very large areas in contact with each other, leaving the crops at risk.

  • With monocultures, any pest which is able to survive and do well in that crop is able to spread as fast as it can read and breed and move through the fields.

  • In many cases, a gene that could help resist the pest will have been removed in the careful selective breeding of high-yield strains, losing biodiversity.

  • In this way, selective breeding trades off the long-term advantages of biodiversity for the short-term advantages of an increased yield from the crop. 

  • Climate change
  • Around the world, sea levels are rising, in part because the Earth is getting warmer, and the seas are expanding slightly, in part because glaciers are melting.

  • A number of gases in the atmosphere are causing global warming, or at least part of it. Some interest groups deny this to preserve their profit margins.

  • There is no absolute proof that burning fossil fuels causes global warming, but it makes sense, and there is absolutely no proof that it is not the culprit.

  • The greenhouse effect involves many gases, but water vapour and carbon dioxide are major ones which retain heat, and so assist global warming.

  • Small temperature changes in the oceans can have large effects on ocean life forms, because many life forms are operating close to some limit or another.

  • Coral bleaching is caused when water temperatures rise, and the coral animals are provoked to eject their symbiotic algae, which can also kill the corals.

  • Coral bleaching is not fully understood, but scientists think it may be caused by pollution, eutrophication, global warming , or maybe more than one of these.

  • The Earth has experienced a series of Ice Ages, some appearing to be more severe than anything that humans have experienced, but all causing great disruption.

  • The earth is getting warmer: most people believe that the major cause is human effects, a few people say that it is just part of a natural upswing.

  • Various methods may be used to determine past climates, including looking at fossil evidence and the ratios of stable isotopes in different sediments.

  • Global warming not only raises the temperature: it can also change climate patterns such as rainfall and storms, and may even cause some places to get colder.

  • Except for a few glaciers on or near volcanoes, every glacier in the world is retreating, melting faster at the lower end than new ice is added at the top.

  • Global warming is believed to be responsible for the increase in disastrous floods and storms in the past decade, because weather patterns have changed.

  • Weather patterns are metastable, which means that if they flip to a new mode, they probably will not flip back again unless something major changes.

  • All of the world's ocean currents are linked and influence each other, and all of them are driven by regular seasonal changes in world-wide weather patterns. 
  • About extremophiles

    • Organisms living in salty conditions generally need some form of active transport to get rid of the salt they take in with their food and drink.

    • Halophytes are a specialist group of plants, able to handle extremely salty conditions because they have special salt-resistant adaptations to help them.

    • An estuary provides special problems for animals and plants, in large part because of the wide variations in salinity and what this does to water balance.

    • Extreme environments which carry extremophiles include both the Arctic and the Antarctic, hot springs, and mid-ocean vents which are both hot and toxic.

    • Unusual life forms can be found in some very improbable places: high up in the atmosphere, deep in rocks and ice, in hot, cold, wet and dry places.

    • There are limits to what animals can survive: as a bare minimum, they need certain levels of moisture or fluid, enough oxygen and sufficient food.

    • Biologists hope that the oceans beneath the icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa, may also be extreme environments that carry some form of life.

    • Even in extremophiles, there are limits to the extremes of climate, starvation, drought, heat and general environment animals can survive in the longer term.  
  • Life on Earth is found only in a thin shell called the biosphere, within a few kilometres of sea level, in the air, the oceans, and sometimes in rocks and soil.

  • Ecology is the study of how organisms and the environment interact with each other to create a balanced community in terms of energy and nutrients.

  • Living things can exist together in a number of ways: as prey and predators, as competitors, in a parasitic relationship, as commensals or symbionts.

  • In 1866, Ernst Haeckel first used 'ecology' to describe the study of living organisms and their interactions with other organisms and with their environment.

  • In 1893, John Burdon-Sanderson stated that what he called 'oecology' was, along with physiology and morphology, one of the three great divisions of biology.

  • Many important chemicals move in cycles. Nitrogen cycles in the atmosphere and biosphere: both nitrogen fixation and denitrification are part of the cycle.

  • Living things may be parasites or parasitized: a parasite may be either an endoparasite or an ectoparasite. In either case it needs to be adapted to its role.

  • Living things may benefit each other, but it appears common for parasites to evolve into symbionts, given sufficient time, as this favours both organisms.

  • Animals are found in different habitats, generally those to which they are best adapted, though humans use cultural adaptations to live everywhere.

  • Animals and plants are usually adapted to their habitat, which includes being adapted to the predators and the other threats that are found there.

  • Living things do best when the conditions are right, which is one reason why things living in an ecosystem show zonation patterns in their distribution.

  • An ecosystem involves many living things, and any study must look at them and energy inputs and outputs, as well as material flows in and out of the system.

  • The form of balance seen in any ecosystem is a dynamic equilibrium, one in which it is normal for some of the levels to fluctuate over longish periods.

  • It is common to consider an ecosystem as a closed system , even when there are external gains and losses, as these typically balance each other out.

  • Many important chemicals move in cycles. Phosphorus, carbon, sulfur and key minerals such as iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium are cycled.

  • The food chains in the oceans are based on plankton, microscopic plants and animals that are eaten by larger animals, and so on, up the food chain.

  • A few large organisms in the sea, like the baleen whales, are able to extract plankton and krill from the ocean, rather than waiting for it to be concentrated.

  • As a diet, flesh is far more nutritious, gram for gram, both in terms of what it contains and the energy delivered. Plants are generally easier to find and eat.

  • Nitrogen may be artificially 'fixed' by the Haber process, which combines nitrogen and hydrogen gas under high temperature and pressure to make ammonia.

  • The carrying capacity of an ecosystem will depend on its productivity, the amount of biomass that is developed by photosynthesis and made available.

  • Food relations in an ecosystem may also be described through a food web or a food pyramid, which reflects biomass at different trophic levels in the system.

  • A measure of productivity in any ecosystem may be obtained from assessing the biomass and the changes in it, year by year. This must be interpreted with care.

  • A forest is a great deal more than just a bunch of trees. The trees interact with each other, with the other plants, animals and forest floor inhabitants.

  • Leaf litter is a key part of the soil and forest floor, since it commonly represents a store of most of the available nutrients available to the community.

  • Food chains lead to the concentrations of some substances, some of which may be useful, although a number of others such as pollutants may be harmful.

  • The world can be divided into recognizable biomes, with varying productivity. The desert biome may be harsh, but it is more productive than most people think.

  • When conditions change, a cline may be observed, with related organisms at different points along the range varying in their genetic make-up.

  • There is always competition in a habitat for resources, both between members of a single species, and also between species which have similar needs.

  • Australian ecosystems are generally good at bush fire regeneration, because the plants and animals found in Australia are descended from fire survivors.

  • Aboriginal Australians made significant use of fire as a management tool, a process called 'firestick farming', to control plant growth to support food animals.

  • Plant cover may be measured on the Domin scale, which allows a complex situation to be reduced to a simple figure that may be used in calculations. 

  • The principles of the environment

    • For a variety of reasons, there are limits to how small or large an animal can be in a particular environment. These involve both physics and chemistry.

    • Bergmann's rule says animals and subspecies in colder climates are larger than those found in hotter climates. Large size makes it easier to conserve heat.

    • Gravity affects all land animals and most aquatic animals: there are limits to how light or heavy an animal can be: animals living in water can be heavier.

    • Atmospheric pressure and air density affect many flying animals: at altitude, less oxygen is available for breathing, and less air is available to push against.

    • Surface tension affects many animals in unexpected ways: land animals need lungs, not gills, small animals can 'walk' across the surface of calm water.

    • Mammals and birds are homoiothermic: they maintain their temperature by homeostasis and insulation. Those animals which do not are called poikilothermic.

    • There are limits to what conditions animals can survive: they need certain levels of moisture, oxygen, temperature and food as a minimum for survival.

    • The turbidity of water may be measured with a Secchi disc, which is lowered until it just disappears, and then raised until it just appears, and averaging them. 

    The principles of conservation and pollution

    • Pollution is the release of products not worth recycling, so the extent of any pollution can be reduced by making producers pay the cost of dumping it.

    • Many halogenated compounds are persistent in nature, in part because they are often soluble in fats, and so may be readily concentrated up the food chain.

    • The polychlorinated biphenyls are persistent pollutants: the major problem with some persistent pollutants is bioaccumulation up the food chain.

    • Treatment of sewage before it goes into rivers and lakes reduces eutrophication, and the better the treatment, the less eutrophication there will be.

    • Large amounts of organic material increase the biological oxygen demand, whether the material comes from eutrophication, sewage, or dumping of waste.

    • Atmospheric changes spread widely, even crossing the equator into the other hemisphere. Nobody owns the air, nobody has the right to pollute it.

    • Some substances are biodegradable, which means levels in the environment slowly fall, though sometimes the products are still a problem in the environment.

    • Eutrophication happens when water has too many nutrients, so plants grow faster than they can be eaten: when these die and rot, they may take all the oxygen.

    • Salination is a problem with soils all over the world. In large part, it is caused by rising groundwater, itself caused by land-clearing that removes trees.

    • An ozone hole results from ozone depletion caused by gases released elsewhere in the world: the main one is over the South Pole each southern summer.

    • Ozone levels in the upper atmosphere are measured with a Dobson spectrophotometer, and these show that ozone levels are dropping, mainly over the Poles.

    • Land (and soil) is a limited resource, all over the world, it is being degraded, so clearing is needed to get more, leading to a massive loss of habitat.

    • Laterization is a common problem with soils. This involves the leaching of some of the more soluble soil components to leave iron and aluminium oxides.

    • There is a limit to the sustainable yield from any ecosystem, sustainability here assuming that conditions will be fully preserved, so the system is unchanged.

    • Many forms of so-called sustainable harvest do not take into account long-term damage done to soil, biodiversity, and nearby waterways, so are not sustainable.

    • Aquaculture is a highly productive way of farming, but it brings many problems, mainly because it is intensive, and so produces large amounts of waste.

    • Pests and feral species can be prevented from entering a new area by maintaining a suitable quarantine system to keep them and their seeds out.

    • Pests and feral species which have arrived in an area can be prevented from breeding by use of the sterile male technique to limit any breeding that happens.

    • Conservation of endangered species means maintaining their genetic diversity, but it also means maintaining biodiversity in habitats of many kinds.

    • The world has many endangered species: some of them are probably more vital to our survival than others, but it is very hard to say which are which. 

    The principles of cell division

    • All cells reproduce by growing to a larger size, and then dividing to form two daughter cells, which then begin to grow, so that they are also can divide.

    • Normal cells have the diploid number of chromosomes, although there are some exceptions found in reproductive systems, where gametes are normally haploid.

    • In 1875, Eduard Strasburger accurately described the processes of mitotic cell division. It was given the name mitosis by Walther Flemming in 1882.

    • In 1885, Walther Flemming reported seeing sister chromatids passing to opposite poles of the cell during mitosis, drawing attention to their importance.

    • Processes which occur in the nucleus include meiosis and mitosis: nucleic acid is copied in these processes, so each new cell carries the full set of genes.

    • In meiosis, pairs of homologous chromosomes line up and crossing-over happens at the chiasma, where portions of the two chromosomes are exchanged.

    • The result of meiosis is an independent assortment of genes through recombination. After meiosis, gametes have the haploid number of chromosomes.

    • Most mistakes in the copying of genes, the plans for a cell in the nucleus, are harmful to the cell that carries them, but very rarely, they are useful.

    • When cells divide to make new cells, they must copy all of the parts in the cell to make sure that each daughter cell is fully equipped, or else they will die.

    The principles of genetics
    • 1828 Karl Ernst von Baer published his The Embryology of Animals which strongly opposed preformationism, showing that mammals also have 'eggs', or ova.

    • In 1866, Gregor Mendel published his experiments on the crossbreeding of pea plants. These revealed that inheritance was not blending, as had been assumed.

    • The basic principles of genetics were first set out in Mendel's laws, although they have since been found to be more complicated in some cases.

    • Genes may occur in multiple forms called alleles. Some alleles may mask (be dominant over) other alleles which are called recessive because they 'recede'.

    • Homozygous individuals generally breed true when crossed with another similar-appearing homozygous individual, unless there are two mutations at the same time.

    • Heterozygous individuals may not 'breed true' if crossed with another heterozygote, as heterozygotes produce gametes with different genes for a single trait.

    • In some cases, alleles may show incomplete dominance, with intermediate heterozygotes, rather than the classic Mendelian dominant/recessive pattern.

    • Gregor Mendel showed that the genes do not blend to an average, but that the original character, in its original form, can return in a later generation.

    • While Darwin was still puzzling about blending inheritance, Mendel had provided the answer and published it, but sadly, nobody noticed, for almost forty years.

    • Independent assortment of genes, as described by Mendel, may be restricted by linkage effects where two genes are nearby on the same chromosome.

    • In 1902, William Bateson coined the terms F1, F2, allelomorphism, homozygote, and heterozygote for use in the discussion of genetics experiments.

    • In 1905, William Bateson and Reginald Crundall Punnett reported the discovery of two new genetic principles of interest: linkage and gene interaction.

    • In 1905, Edmund Wilson and Nellie Stevens independently described the behaviour of sex chromosomes, showing that XX determines female, XY determines male.

    • In 1905, Lucien Claude Cuénot discovered the first lethal allele, the yellow coat colour allele in mice, showing that genes could play a role in selection.

    • In 1906, C. W. Woodworth and William Ernest Castle introduced the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster as new experimental material for genetic studies.

    • In 1908, G. H. Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg independently proposed the Hardy-Weinberg Law, that gene frequencies remain constant in the absence of selection.

    • In 1909, F. A. Janssens suggested that the chiasmata between chromosomes could be taken as evidence for the phenomenon of crossing over among linked genes.

    • In 1909, Castle and Phillips showed that an ovary from a black guinea pig, transplanted into a white one, still gave black offspring if mated to a black male.

    • In 1909, Wilhelm Johannsen showed that natural selection demands a source of genetic variability and introduced the terms 'genotype' and 'phenotype'.

    • In 1910, Thomas Hunt Morgan proposed a theory of sex-linked inheritance for the first mutation discovered in the fruit fly, Drosophila, white eye.

    • The identification of white-eye in Drosophila melanogaster as a sex-linked gene was followed by the gene theory, including the principle of linkage.

    • In 1911, Thomas Hunt Morgan first proposed that the Mendelian factors, otherwise the genes, were in fact arranged in a line on chromosomes in some way.

    • In 1913, Alfred Sturtevant used crossing-over frequencies to get relative distances for a map of genes on the chromosome, using sex-linked genes in Drosophila.

    • Plants often hybridize outside their species: plant hybrids can be created that cross species 'barriers', and even different genera may be hybridized.

    • Plants are often polyploid, especially cultivated varieties, although it also happens naturally in some groups. Tetraploids can often reproduce successfully.

    • In animals, triploid individuals rarely survive. Triploid plants can survive, though some of them do not breed very well, due to problems at meiosis.

    • In animals, trisomic individuals, with one extra chromosome, can sometimes survive, and this may be related to the number of genes on the extra chromosome.

    • In 1927, Karpchenko got a tetraploid cabbage-radish hybrid, thus creating the new genus, Raphanobrassica, with a full gene complement from each parent.

    • In 1937, Albert Francis Blakeslee and Oswald Avery used colchicine to produce artificial polyploidy in plant cells, making a new tool for experimental genetics.

    • In 1941, George Beadle and Edward Tatum irradiated fungus, Neurospora crassa, and based on the results, they then proposed the one gene one enzyme hypothesis.

    • Beadle and Tatum's irradiated Neurospora allowed them to establish conclusively that the gene produces its effect by regulating particular enzymes.

    • In 1946, Joshua Lederberg and Edward Lawrie Tatum studied the process of conjugation in Escherichia coli, where bacteria interchanged genetic material.

    • In 1947, Barbara McClintock published her hypothesis of transposable elements (her 'jumping genes') to explain curious colour variations in corn.

    • In 1952, William Hayes demonstrated a variety of forms of conjugation in bacteria, a method by which bacteria can exchange genetic information.

    • Genes differ in their effect according to the parent they come from in some cases. This is called 'imprinting', and is not yet fully understood and explained. 

    The principles of chromosomes

    • Most people who have stopped to think about it has always known that animals and plants inherit their appearance and nature from their parent organisms.

    • A complication for early scientists was the belief in spontaneous generation, which assumed that parents were not needed to provide inherited information.

    • In 1831, botanist Robert Brown announced the discovery that each living cell contains a nucleus. Others had seen nuclei, but now they were seen as universal.

    • Once people realised that we are made of cells, and that cells reproduced by dividing, it became fairly obvious there must be something inheritable in the cell.

    • In 1879, Walther Flemming discovered a thread-like material in the nucleus of cells. These threads were later named the chromosomes, because they took stains.

    • In 1883, Edouard van Beneden announced the principles of genetic continuity of chromosomes and reported the occurrence of what we would now call meiosis.

    • In 1888 Theodor Boveri verified August Weismann's predictions of chromosome reduction (which we call meiosis today) by direct observation in the worm Ascaris.

    • In 1900, Walter Sutton observed homologous pairs in the chromosomes of a grasshopper, and he reported in 1902 that they separate to opposite ends in meiosis.

    • In 1903, Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri independently confirmed that the chromosomes behave in a way that matched what was known of Mendelian inheritance.

    • By the careful study of genetics, Sutton and Boveri were able to recognise that the only thing in the cell behaving like Mendel's genes was the chromosomes.

    • Alfred Sturtevant worked in the Columbia 'fly room' and actually constructed the first genetic map of a chromosome in 1913, using linkage data.

    • In 1927, H. J. Muller used X-rays to cause artificial gene mutations in Drosophila, showing that the mutation rate was 1500 times higher when X-rays were used.

    • It was not enough to know that the chromosomes carry the genes in some way, because chromosomes are made up of both protein and nucleic acids.

    • In 1956, Joe-Hin Tjio and Johan Albert Levan revised Walther Flemming's 1898 estimate of the human chromosome count from 24 pairs to 23 pairs.

    • In 1973, Bruce Ames published details of the 'Ames Test' to identify DNA-damaging chemicals. The test has since become a widely used to screen for carcinogens.

    • All living things are made up of small units called cells. Each cell usually contains a nucleus with coded information that the cell uses to operate.

    • Genes were first located as existing on the chromosome by the Sutton-Boveri theory which has stood the tests of time. The genetic code is further proof.

    • The gender in animals is usually determined by the sex chromosomes, although different groups such as birds and insects do this differently from mammals.

    • In mammals, normal males have an X-chromosome and a Y-chromosome, females have two X chromosomes. A sperm cell carries an X or a Y, an ovum carries an X only.

    • The 'plans' for a living thing are found in chemical strings in the nucleus of the cell, and mistakes sometimes get made when these plans are copied.

    • Each gene in the nucleus codes for a single unique protein. Most proteins work as enzymes that catalyse the conversion of one biochemical into another.

    • A biochemical pathway involves a large number of conversions, each managed by an enzyme. If any enzyme is changed, the end product may never be produced. 

    The principles of nucleic acids

    • There are two different nucleic acids found in the living world, DNA and RNA, each of them used as the genetic material in some types of organism.

    • The bases in DNA, in sets of three, code for amino acids in a protein, and this code is common to all forms of life, suggesting it evolved very early.

    • When DNA is copied, the replication is semi-conservative, with one strand of the original DNA gaining a new second strand to make two new double strands.

    • In most organisms, DNA is used as the genetic material. It is transcribed to RNA and then this becomes the pattern for a protein, following the genetic code.

    • Ribonucleic acid (RNA) occurs in our cells in a number of forms: it can be found in eukaryotic cells as messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA.

    • A given triplet of bases in DNA always codes for the same amino acid. Other triplets can code for the same amino acid. Some triplets have other functions.

    • The order of the bases in a strand of DNA can be determined in a variety of ways, usually after PCR has been used to increase the amount of DNA available.

    • The base sequences of DNA can be determined, but modern DNA sequencing would be impossible without the DNA microarray, YACs and BACs, and bioinformatics.

    • In 1869, Johann Friedrich Miescher had proposed that all cells' nuclei must have a specific chemistry. This substance came to be known as nucleic acid.

    • In 1871, Miescher isolated a substance which he called nuclein from the nuclei of white blood cells that was soluble in alkalis but not in acids.

    • In 1876, Oskar Hertwig and Hermann Fol showed that fertilized eggs have both male and female nuclei, that is the nuclei of both parents make a contribution.

    • In 1884, Eduard Strasburger suggested, based on studies of fertilization, that the nucleus of the cell must be the carrier of the genetic material.

    • In 1928, Frederick Griffith discovered that some unknown 'transforming principle' had changed the harmless R strain of Diplococcus to the virulent S strain.

    • In his 1945 book, 'What Is Life?', Erwin Schrödinger proposed that the genetic material, when discovered, would turn out to be some sort of aperiodic crystal.

    • Schrödinger's gentle little probes and cryptic questions like "Why are atoms so small?" set the scene for the new generation of molecular biologists.

    • About the time Erwin Schrödinger decided that the gene had to be an aperiodic crystal, Oswald Avery's team had found what the aperiodic crystal must be made of.

    • In 1944, Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty reported an experiment that arose out of Griffith's 1928 work, and pointed to DNA as the key material.

    • Avery, MacLeod and McCarty used two enzymes, one to break down DNA, and one to break down protein: transformation only happened when the DNA was left intact.

    • The answer basically is that you can't build something as complex as us out of just a few components. So atoms have to be small, from our point of view.

    • The other half of Schrödinger's question is "Why are we so much larger than the atoms that we are made of?", and that is probably the more interesting question.

    • In 1950, Erwin Chargaff discovered a one-to-one ratio of adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine in DNA samples from a variety of organisms.

    • The key to understanding DNA structure lies in Chargaff's rules from 1948 about the linkages between adenine and thymine and between cytosine and guanine.

    • Chargaff first showed that the number of guanine units equals the number of cytosine units and the number of adenine units equals the number of thymine units.

    • In 1951, Lederberg and Zinder showed that bacteria can exchange genes indirectly by transduction, when a virus carries genes into the next cell it infects.

    • In 1952, Rosalind Franklin used X-ray diffraction to study the structure of DNA and suggested that its sugar-phosphate backbone was on its outside.

    • In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase used bacteriophages in their 'blender experiments' to establish with certainty that DNA was the genetic material.

    • Hershey and Chase used protein that was labelled with sulfur 35 and DNA labelled with phosphorus 32 for their final proof that DNA carried the information.

    • In 1954, George Gamow proposed that the genetic code must be made of triplets of nucleotides, based on the argument that 2 was not enough, 4 would be too much.

    • In 1956, Arthur Kornberg discovered DNA polymerase, and used this enzyme to show that DNA is always constructed in a single direction, the 5' to 3' direction.

    • In 1957, Francis Crick and George Gamow worked out the 'central dogma' of genetics, explaining how they considered that DNA must function to make protein.

    • Crick and Gamow proposed their 'sequence hypothesis', which said in effect that the DNA sequence specifies the amino acid sequence in a protein.

    • In 1958, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl demonstrated semiconservative replication in DNA using 15N and ultracentrifugation in a density gradient.

    • In 1959, François Jacob and Jacques Monod proposed the role of RNA in transmitting information to the sites of protein synthesis, the repressor-operon model.

    • They also suggested that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA to messenger RNA to protein, the central concept of the central dogma.

    • In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg built a strand of RNA, composed entirely of uracil, and determines that the codon, the genetic code for phenylalanine was UUU.

    • In 1965, small supernumerary chromosomes called plasmids, were seen to carry genetic material between bacteria, including genes for antibiotic resistance.

    • In 1966, Marshall Nirenberg and H. Gobind Khorana led teams that cracked the genetic code, finding what base combinations code for which amino acids.

    • In 1968, Fred Sanger used radioactive phosphorus as a tracer to decipher a 120 base long RNA sequence, using a complicated piece of chromatography.

    • In 1970, Howard Temin and David Baltimore independently discovered reverse transcriptase enzymes that produce DNA from RNA, going against the usual pattern.

    • In 1973, Annie Chang and Stanley Cohen show that recombinant DNA molecules can be maintained and replicated in E. coli: the first recombinant DNA organism.

    • In 1974, Manfred Eigen and Manfred Sumper showed that mixtures of nucleotide monomers and RNA-replicase gives RNA molecules which replicate, mutate, and evolve.

    • In 1977, Fred Sanger and his team sequenced the entire phage X174 virus, base by base, all 5386 bases of it, in a single circular strand of DNA.

    • In 1983, the complete 48,502 base pair sequence of the linear double-stranded DNA of a virus, the temperate E. coli bacteriophage lambda, was published.

    • In 1985, Kary B. Mullis published a paper describing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the most sensitive assay for DNA which has yet been devised.

    • In 1989, Alec Jeffreys coined the term 'DNA fingerprinting' and was the first to use DNA polymorphisms in paternity, immigration, and murder cases.

    • In 1990, Mary Claire King reported the discovery of the gene linked to breast cancer in families with a high degree of incidence before age 45.

    • In 1990, Michael Fromm reported the stable transformation of corn using a high-speed gene gun to introduce new and desirable genes into the nucleus.

    • In 1997, Dolly the sheep was the first higher mammal cloned from a single adult cell when a prepared nucleus from an adult cell was added to an enucleated ovum.

    • In 1997, The first-ever completed genome was published in Nature, the genome of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was published as a separate supplement. 

    About genomics

    • A gene from one organism will often work in another organism, because most genes are widely conserved in evolution. Old genes can be recognized in new genomes.

    • A portion of DNA can be sequenced when it is turned into a bacterial artificial chromosome, but these then need to be combined to get the complete sequence.

    • A portion of DNA can be sequenced when it is turned into a yeast artificial chromosome, but these then need to be combined to get the complete sequence.

    • The base sequences of DNA need genetic maps to refer to. The genes involved are usually identified and linked to a role from similar genes in other species.

    • The base sequences of DNA offer valuable information to students of evolution, but will be even more important to medical science, identifying new drug targets.

    • Similar-looking species may be distinguished by DNA fingerprinting, which can reveal differences in species which have converged on a common external form.

    • The information gathered in genomics work can be applied through bioinformatics, which is a new science that involves processing raw data to information.

    • Genetic manipulation may lead in the future to the production of safe vaccines being included in plants that humans can eat to gain immunity to a disease.

    • The Human Genome Project was set up to sequence all of the human genome, and to identify the functions of the various genes as they were identified.

    • The hunt for single nucleotide polymorphisms is opening up many new ways of studying genomics, because it sheds light on the ways genes work. 

    The principles of cloning

    • Clones are organisms which have identical genes, so identical twins are clones and vegetative reproduction produces clones. Scientists can clone some organisms.

    • We eat food from clones all the time: almost all sugar cane is produced from cuttings, which means that sugar cane is cloned, and our sugar comes from clones.

    • Cloning humans is regarded by most scientists as both unethical and also dangerous to the new clone, due to errors that will occur in at least some early cases.

    • Cloning a mammal means taking a prepared nucleus from a cell and placing it in an ovum which has had the nucleus removed to let the new nucleus to take control.

    • The normal nucleus in a new zygote has very few genes operating, while committed cells, anywhere in the body, normally have quite a few active genes.

    • The preparation of a nucleus for cloning usually involves depriving the cell of nutrients, so that the nucleus largely shuts down, switching genes off. 
     The principles of reproduction
    • Sexual reproduction begins with a diploid zygote forming when nuclei from two haploid gametes fuse, but that only sets the scene for more complex development.

    • Sexual reproduction provides for a more efficient mixing of genes in the offspring that result, giving them an advantage in terms of natural selection.

    • Sexual reproduction requires a reduction division or meiosis to reduce the number of chromosomes before the gametes fuse and restore the total.

    • The male part of a flower is the stamen, which contains the anthers that actually produce pollen grains. The ovary is located at the centre of most flowers.

    • Asexual reproduction results in almost identical 'daughter' offspring being produced: this form is assumed to lead to slower evolutionary changes.

    • Asexual reproduction provides quick and easy reproduction, especially in cases where it may be hard for one individual to find a mate or breeding partner.

    • Many grasses and rosette plants spread by sending out runners into any vacant space and by trying to overgrow other plants, or to beat them to bare space.

    • Higher plants reproduce in many ways, using seeds, cuttings, runners, and grafts, though some of these methods may be of more use than others.

    • Self-pollination is a form of sexual reproduction, even though there is only one 'parent'. Most plants have mechanisms to favour 'outside' pollen.

    • In many animals, the sex of offspring is determined by the presence or absence of a sex chromosome, but there are several variations on the basic plan.

    • Pollen fertilizes a flowering plant when a pollen tube grows down, carrying a haploid nucleus to a point where that nucleus can fuse with one in the ovum.

    • Pregnancy in human beings can be prevented or avoided by using different types of barriers to keep sperm cells away from ova, such as diaphragms and condoms.

    • Pregnancy can be prevented by stopping women from ovulating (that is, producing ova). This is the way the more common forms of 'The Pill' operate.

    • Pregnancy can be prevented by stopping men producing sperm cells, typically by means of a vasectomy, which prevents sperm cells entering the semen.

    • Pregnancy in humans can be ended by abortion which may be caused either by natural conditions (spontaneous abortion), or mechanical or chemical interference.

    • Pregnancy can be prevented by stopping or disrupting implantation of a fertilized ovum (some forms of 'Pill', including the 'morning-after' Pill).

    • The health of a fetus may be checked by amniocentesis, which uses a needle to sample cells of the fetus that have been sloughed off into the amniotic fluid.

    • In 1974, the first test-tube babies were conceived in vitro, after which they were implanted artificially, developed normally, and were born normally. 
    Development and embryology
    • Multi-celled organisms begin as one cell that develops into a fetus which becomes a whole individual, under the control of genes that are switched on and off.

    • Animals grow and develop from a single cell, under the control of genes that are switched on and off under the influence of interactions between the cells.

    • Plants grow and develop from seeds which contain a small food store that provides the material for the initial growth, to the point where leaves form.

    • Most animals develop further after birth, having been born with some parts of them less developed than others. The undeveloped parts vary between species.

    • The development of a whole organism from a single cell is controlled by the genes found in every cell, but which are not necessarily active unless switched on.

    • Most multi-celled plants and animals have tissues, and all advanced organisms are made up of different tissues, in which different genes are active.

    • Plants use a variety of hormones as signals from one part of the plant to another. Gibberellin is an example of an important plant growth hormone.

    • Tissues form organs, and they are most easily studied in thin sections. How tissues form is a fascinating aspect of biology, still not fully understood

    • Specific genes are switched on in cells of a certain kind: in most cells, most of the genes do not operate at any given time. Many of them do not ever operate.

    • Aging is a natural process. The telomeres on the chromosomes shorten as an organism gets older, and this seems to mark the age of cells in some readable way.

    • The Eutheria, the placental mammals, go through a period of gestation after conception, when they are nurtured internally as their tissues develop.

    • An insect larva becomes a pupa which becomes an imago, showing development and redevelopment over several stages, with tissues being resorbed and reconstructed.

    • Gigantism and dwarfism occur when hormonal balances are uncontrolled in the developing body, so that the cells of the body receive confusing signals.

    • Apoptosis helps to shape developing organisms This is a form of controlled cell suicide which serves to shape the individual, removing excess material.

    • Development often involves recapitulation of some of the stages that were present in their distant ancestors. This leaves the way open for neoteny.

    • Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can give rise to other types of cell. Some stem cells are more versatile than others, as the cells are less committed.

    • The most versatile stem cells are embryonic stem cells, which are better referred to as totipotent stem cells, a less emotive and more accurate name. 

    About systems

    • All animals, from the smallest to the largest, have systems, that carry out important tasks and relying on control which is based on sensing and feedback.

    • Plants also have a variety of systems that use sensing and feedback to control functions such as photosynthesis and respiration within the plant.

    • When bacteria form themselves into a plaque or biofilm, this tissue-like structure develops a form of control system, which is called quorum sensing.

    • Mammals and birds are called homoiothermic: they maintain their temperature by homeostasis and insulation, generating heat or cooling themselves as necessary.

    • Animals which do not maintain their temperature are called poikilothermic. These animals need an external source of heat such as sunlight, in order to warm up. 

     The principles of control systems

    • Homeostasis is a characteristic found in systems that survive: the obvious example is mammalian temperature, but many other things are also finely balanced.

    • Effective control in living things relies on feedback systems, where a shortage of an item triggers its production, and an excess stops production in some way.

    • Animals have a variety of control systems: nerves carry fast messages, hormones are slow and wide-reaching, pheromones carry signals between individuals.

    • There are two kinds of signalling methods within animals like us: target-specific messages are sent by nerves and slower general messages are sent by hormones.

    • Many hormone systems are driven by secretions from the pituitary gland, and if indirect influences are included, most hormone systems are pituitary-driven.

    • An important male hormone is testosterone and an important female hormone is estrogen, but other hormone is present in small amounts in the other sex.

    • The key hormone in blood sugar balance is insulin, which is produced as and when it is needed, in cells in the pancreas called the islets of Langerhans.

    • Gonadotrophin is the name given to a group of proteins: human chorionic gonadotrophin is produced by the placenta and in the urine, is a pregnancy indicator.

    • Around 170, Galen discovered how nerves operate when he cut into the laryngeal nerve of a pig, after which it continued to struggle, but stopped squealing.

    • Nerves communicate at a synapse, where chemicals like glycine and acetylcholine carry a signal from one nerve to another, being destroyed soon afterwards.

    • The operation of the nervous impulse can be described as electrical signals, but the operation of the nervous system involves changes in membranes.

     Digestion and excretion

    • Teeth are used to slice and crush food, increasing its surface area that can be exposed to enzymes that help food break down to molecules that can be absorbed.

    • Fluoride in water toughens tooth enamel by causing chemical changes in the enamel to a chemical form that is more resistant to the acids of dental plaque.

    • Animals have similar internal anatomy of the abdomen, with a few simple variations that relate to the diets of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

    • Parts of the alimentary canal nearest to openings may be investigated using an endoscope, a tube with light and camera, inserted through the mouth or anus.

    • The upper alimentary canal is made up of the stomach, duodenum and ileum, the lower alimentary canal is made up of the small intestine, caecum and anus.

    • Food is moved along the alimentary canal by waves of peristalsis, where a series of contractions around the tube push partly-digested food on its way.

    • In1825, William Beaumont began his study of the digestion of Alexis St Martin, who had a gunshot wound which left him with a permanent opening to the stomach.

    • In 1836, Theodor Schwann isolated the first animal enzyme when he discovered pepsin, a digestive enzyme, from extracts taken from the stomach lining.

    • Absorption transfers dissolved food from the alimentary canal to the circulatory system: it is carried passively until it reaches a place where it is needed.

    • Certain points along the alimentary canal are controlled by sphincter muscles, rings of muscle that surround the canal and block unwanted returns.

    • Elimination of faeces gets rid of the left-overs, the bacteria, the fibres and the undigested food, after most of the water has been reabsorbed.

    • The kidney takes dissolved wastes from the blood and disposes of them in urine, which is normally sterile, unless there is a kidney infection.

    • Urine is highly sterile, but makes a good culture medium for many bacteria, which make chemical changes in the urine, producing ammonia and later, nitrates.

    • Urine production in humans is controlled by the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which controls the amount of urine sent to the bladder for storage.

    • Because bacteria turn the urea in urine to ammonia and then into nitrates, urine has been a common industrial chemical with many uses, since ancient times.

    • Some animals in dry environments rely mainly on metabolic water for their water supplies, water that is produced by respiration of carbohydrates and lipids.

    Circulation and blood

    • Our body is made up of a number of systems which get matter and energy to where it is needed. When these systems do not work properly, we become ill.

    • Blood is the main circulatory fluid in large animals, and is essential for their survival, as diffusion only works over small distances in animal tissue.

    • Blood is pumped around our bodies by the heart. It is pumped to the lungs to get oxygen and lose carbon dioxide, and to the rest of the body to exchange gases.

    • The heart operates as a two-stage pump, with a thinner-walled atrium filling a muscular ventricle which then forces the blood around the body.

    • Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried around in the blood by haemoglobin, a complex chemical to which the oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules can attach.

    • Blood carries food molecules to where they are needed. It also carries waste material away from the cells of our body, to where they can be disposed of.

    • The blood circulation carries oxygen around the body from the lungs, carries carbon dioxide away from cells back to the lungs, and food to cells.

    • Around 170, Galen speculated that blood might get from one side of the heart to the other through very fine pores, too small to be seen with the naked eye.

    • By 1574, the anatomist Fabricius had observed and described the valves that may be found in veins, and saw that they would stop blood from pooling in the feet.

    • In 1628, William Harvey published his detailed description of the circulation of the blood around the body, but he could only infer that capillaries exist.

    • In 1666 Richard Lower demonstrated the transfusion of blood between two dogs, and the experiment appeared to be successful, given that the dogs did not die.

    • In 1667 Jean-Baptiste Denys transfused lamb's blood into a 15-year-old boy who was apparently unharmed, or at the worst, did not die as a result of the transfusion.

    • Around 1680, Marcello Malpighi saw capillary blood vessels for the first time, establishing the missing link in our picture of the body's blood circulation.

    • In 1689, Anton van Leeuwenhoek began his studies of capillary vessels in frogs' feet, bats' wings, rabbits' ears, and eels' tails, all under the microscope.

    • Human blood contains a variety of distinctive proteins that 'type' it. Each human belongs to a specific blood group, based on those proteins in the blood.

    • In 1910, Epstein and Ottenberg discovered that human blood groups (A, B, O) were inherited on Mendelian principles, leading to later paternity testing.

    • In 1927, Karl Landsteiner discovered the M and N blood groups. In 1940, Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener both discovered the Rh blood factor.

    • The heart and the veins have valves to force blood to flow in one direction only: out along the arteries under pressure, back through the veins.

    • Arteries lead to arterioles and then to capillaries which trickle blood into venules which feed into veins, which carry the blood passively back to the heart.

    • The arteries are elastic, which means they are able to absorb the shock of the pressure wave as blood is pumped from the heart with great force.

    • The pulmonary system carries blood to the lungs where concentration differences mean the haemoglobin loses carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.

    • Hardening of the arteries means that rather than being absorbed by the arteries, pressure surges are carried on to finer blood vessels and damage them.

    • An artery usually carries oxygenated blood, unless it is the artery that carries blood to the lungs. The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood.

    • Arterial blockages may be cleared by angioplasty, a procedure similar to blowing up a small balloon inside the artery, which clears the blockage.

    • Normal body movements compress veins, especially in the legs, and each compression pushes blood along, with the valves directing the flow one way.

    • Very small animals like flatworms do not need a circulatory system: simple diffusion from the nearest surface is enough to provide oxygen to all their tissues.

    • Large plants need water transport systems to move sugars, minerals and water from the leaves and roots to other parts of the organism where they are needed. 

    Gaseous exchange

    • Oxygen is needed inside most organisms' cells to extract energy from most forms of food, although oxygen gas is harmful and poisonous to anaerobic organisms.

    • Plants do not need circulatory systems to carry oxygen because they have air spaces between their cells, and gases are able to diffuse through those gaps.

    • Animals need oxygen. Animals use all of lungs on land, gills in water, and diffusion systems in small animals to acquire oxygen from their environment.

    • A fish can get oxygen from water through its gills, which work to provide a large surface area for contact with the water to allow oxygen to diffuse in.

    • Small animals absorb oxygen by diffusion through the skin, while larger animals use breathing systems to carry oxygen in: lungs and gills and in insects, tubes.

    • Our lungs fill with air when the diaphragm falls, or the ribs move up and out: as the space expands, air can move in, as it contracts, air is forced out again. 

     The principles of respiration

    • The word 'respiration' is used in two conflicting senses: to mean the breathing in of air, but also a controlled biochemical process of 'burning' fuel.

    • Respiration is the process living things use to release chemical energy as they break down complex molecules in a series of controlled steps.

    • In 1780 Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre-Simon de Laplace published their memoir on heat, in which they concluded that respiration is a form of combustion.

    • Aerobic respiration involves the Krebs cycle, a series of carefully managed biochemical steps with standard products at each step, all controlled by enzymes.

    • Respiration can be both aerobic respiration, where oxygen is brought into the reactions and anaerobic respiration, where oxygen is not involved.

    • Of the two, aerobic respiration is more efficient than anaerobic respiration, because it produces more ATP from a given amount of starting material.

    • While both aerobic and anaerobic respiration produce adenosine triphosphate as the energy product, the two processes generate different end products.

    • Animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide and that is a by-product of aerobic respiration. Water is also produced and absorbed.

    • Respiration is controlled by enzymes which are protein catalysts produced under the control of genes: if these fail to operate correctly, the organism dies.

    • Respiration has standard forms in all living things, with only minor differences, because the controlling enzymes have been conserved throughout evolution.

    • Most of the energy generated by both aerobic and anaerobic respiration is used to convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

    • Animals use force to move and to live, and muscles are used to provide the forces needed to catch, swallow and digest food, to breathe and maintain blood flow.

    • Muscles require energy from respiration, and that means they require a good blood supply: exercise ensures the development of blood supply to muscles. 

    Support and movement

    • When the first plants moved from the water to the land, they needed to be able to reach higher than plants around them so as to get the most light.

    • This meant that the plants had two mean needs: they needed conductive tissue to carry water to the higher parts, and they needed stiffening to have not bend.

    • Many animals and plants have stiffening material or organs that give them a framework on which to move. In animals, this gives the muscles something to work on.

    • Animals may have an exoskeleton or endoskeleton to provide a degree of protection, but also to make fast movement easier, as it gives something to pull against.

    • Sharks and rays have cartilage and no bone in their skeletons. This provides a flexible skeleton, but offers less protection than one made of bone.

    • Wood and bone are both two-phase materials, combining a material which is strong under compression with fibres which is strong under tension.

    • The plants came to use the conductive tissue as high-tensile fibres to provide much of the tensile strength: secondary thickening dealt with the compression.

    • Bone is a two-phase material, made of mineral material (calcium phosphate) for compressional strength and collagen fibres to provide tensile strength.

    • Bone is a dynamic material, with small parts of its structure continually removed and replaced, in part as a response to charges generated within the bone.

    • The pelvis is a critical part of the human skeleton, because it lets us walk upright, and its size limits the maximum possible size of a newborn baby's head. 

    Immune responses

    • In ancient Greece, Thucydides reported that people who had already experienced the plague were then immune to it, and able safely to nurse other victims.

    • In complex organisms such as mammals, evolution has favoured an extremely intricate immune system that will attack any cells recognized as 'non-self'.

    • In complex organisms, there are many ways for cells to identify 'self' and 'non-self', based on the shapes and charges of surface markers on the cell membrane.

    • Our immune system protects us from materials and organisms recognized by the body as 'foreign', things not known to be a normal part of the body.

    • Antibodies are part of the immune system, and they generally act by binding to an antigen, changing it so that it can no longer operate as normal.

    • The presence of particular antibodies in your blood indicates that you have had a previous exposure to particular antigens, typically organisms or toxins.

    • Immunity can be acquired: immunization with a vaccine stimulates the immune system by providing it with a harmless model of molecules that need to be attacked.

    • In 1890 Emil Adolf von Behring discovered antibodies and antitoxins, and used this novel principle to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.

    • A vaccine prepared from weakened or heat-killed disease organisms gives people immunity by preparing the immune system to attack the real thing when it arrives.

    • A vaccine made from parts of the exterior of disease organisms can give people immunity without infecting them, by preparing the immune system to attack them.

    • Vaccines against typhoid and cholera were developed in 1896, and they bubonic plague vaccine was available in 1897. All of these used inactivated bacteria.

    • The Lübeck disaster is a rare example of how vaccination can go wrong: it happened when full-strength TB bacteria were inoculated instead of weakened ones.

    • As a general rule, there is a small but measurable risk associated with every inoculation. There is a greater risk associated with NOT being inoculated.

    • Interferons are naturally occurring proteins that are a part of the immune system, operating in a variety of ways to regulate the immune system.

    • Around 1020, the Arabic scientist Avicenna described diabetes and that the urine of diabetics tastes sweet, after seeing ants attracted to a diabetic's urine.

    • Occasionally the immune response goes out of control, and attacks part of the host organism by mistake, in what is called an autoimmune reaction.

    • Our immune system can cause autoimmune disease when it 'makes a mistake': Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease, probably caused by a bacterium.

    • Juvenile (type I) diabetes is triggered when an autoimmune response attacks key cells in the pancreas, and destroys them by mistake for an infective agent.

    • There appears to be a standard pattern for autoimmune diseases, where early exposure to an organism triggers a later mistaken attack on part of the body.

    • Blood and tissue can be typed, according to the antigens found in a particular blood sample, allowing a closer match for blood and organ donations.

    • Tissue typing is required before transplantation: organ donations, have a better chance of success when the donor and recipient have similar immune markers.

    • The immune response can be modified or muted by drugs known as immunosuppressants, but the same effect is also caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus.

    • Immunosuppressive drugs may be needed for a transplant of an organ from a donor to succeed, even when the match between donor and recipient tissues is good.

    • In the future, xenografting of organs may be possible, using organs from animals which have been specially prepared to have no immune markers.

    • One source of xenografts may be pigs, but pig xenografts may carry viruses called porcine endoretroviruses or PERVs, which might infect the recipients.

    • All multicellular organisms, both plants and animals, have evolved ways of defending themselves against invaders and infections by microorganisms.

    • The simple immune system of the invertebrates involves producing soluble factors which are more harmful to invaders than they are to the host cell.

    • The more complex immune system of the vertebrates involves a quick-acting innate system that does not adapt very well and a slower-acting adaptive system.

    • The adaptive immune system has a memory for attackers which it has encountered before, and it is this memory that make use of when we apply vaccines.

    • The innate system in vertebrates is much more complex than the invertebrate system, with a variety of factors secreted by different cells in the body.

    • One group of factors is made of the cytokines, a group of different proteins that are produced and secreted by cells. Another group is the chemokines.

    • Two main types of cell are involved in the adaptive immune system. These are the two kinds of lymphocytes and the antigen presenting cells or APCs.

    • B lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow and travel from there directly to the lymph nodes, while T lymphocytes reach lymph nodes by way of the thymus.

    • In 1957, Macfarlane Burnet proposed his clonal selection theory of B lymphocytes, suggesting that each B cell has antibody receptors to a unique antigen.

    • Macfarlane Burnet's theory was ridiculed at the time, but it now lies at the very centre of our understanding of immunology and the immune system.

    • When an antigen matching the specificity of a B cell appears, more copies of that lymphocyte are produced, resulting in strong antibody production.

    • A small number of people persist in arguing that vaccination is dangerous. Nothing is ever free of risk, it is far more dangerous to refuse to be vaccinated. 

    The principles of the senses

    • All living things have some sort of sensing ability, whether they are plant or animal, and this is reflected in their responses to changes in the environment.

    • Plants demonstrate a variety of senses: a potato in a shoe box fitted with baffles demonstrates phototropism, sensing where light is coming from.

    • Plants can sense the pull of gravity: radish seeds sprouting in water agar will grow downwards, and if rotated, will change the direction of growth.

    • Sundews wrap their leaves around their 'prey', responding to the breakdown of prey proteins under the attack proteolytic enzymes in the sticky 'dew'.

    • Sunflowers turn their flowers around to face the sun as its position in the sky changes during the day, indicating that they sense the Sun's direction somehow.

    • Trigger plant flowers strike pollinating insects on the head or back when they land on the flower, either dusting them with pollen, or taking pollen from them.

    • The leaves of Mimosa pudica close up when they are touched, and Cassia species close their leaves as the sun sets, indicating some equivalent of animal senses.

    • A number of insectivorous plants are able to detect an insect landing on them, either using an analogue of touch or of taste as the insect is digested.

    • Most animals have a sense of smell, which has the advantage of working in the dark. Smell works by a lock and key method on sensors in a small part of the nose.

    • We can map taste zones on the tongue, which is able to detect salt, sweet, sour and bitter tastes on different parts, showing these have specific receptors.

    • Our sense of taste is partly smell, because while the tongue can sense sweet, sour, salt and bitter, the nose can make much finer discriminations.

    • Taste cells are replaced at high frequency. As cancer drugs attack fast-dividing cells, many cancer drugs can have a marked effect on the sense of taste.

    • Humans hear sound within the audio frequency range, as high as 20 kilohertz, with the upper limit dropping with age, starting to drop after age 20.

    • The ear captures and magnifies vibrations through the bones of the ear, and the vibrations are converted to nerve impulses that we then interpret.

    • Deafness has a number of causes, such as nerve damage, blockage of the ear and damage to the amplifying mechanism in the ear. Some of these can be circumvented.

    • Human hearing is selective, as shown by the cocktail party effect, where, by concentration, one person may be heard over the turmoil of a busy room.

    • The pressure in our middle ear is kept steady by the Eustachian tube, which links the middle ear to the outside world. Yawning opens the Eustachian tube.

    • All animals have a sense of touch: the touch sense is different from pain sense, and is only triggered by a more intense stimulus like a sharp blow.

    • Hairs and whiskers can be very sensitive to touch, and this can be shown by just touching a single hair on somebody's arm or even on their head.

    • Some parts of our skin are more sensitive: this can be demonstrated with a blindfold test to see where two close pressure points can be detected as separate.

    • Circadian rhythms, our daily cycle of metabolic patterns, depends on detecting light and dark, so bright sunlight can help to reduce the effects of jet lag.

    • The Earth has a magnetic field which experiences polar reversals at times, when the north and south poles change places over a period of a few hundred years.

    • Many animals have a magnetic sense which they use in navigation: this sense must be pliable enough to cope with polar reversals, so that some of them survive.

    • Many living things can detect light, usually by some chemical effect that the light causes, with the altered chemical then being detected in some way.

    • The human eye detects light when rhodopsin, a complex chemical in the retina, is bleached by a focused image, produced by the lens, falling on the retina.

    • There are different eye structures in different groups, indicating that the eye has evolved several times. The evidence of homeobox genes suggests otherwise.

    • Most animals can either detect light or see, in the strict sense of forming an image on a receptive surface, so the image can be recognized and responded to.

    • Effective vision needs a lens to focus light, a receptive surface on which the image is focused, nerves to detect the image, and a brain to analyse the image.

    • There is a blind spot where the optic nerve attaches to the retina, as there are no sensors on this part of the retina. What one eye misses, the other eye sees.

    • Visual perception is a brain process where a set of nervous impulses, starting in the retina and travelling along the optic nerve, are interpreted by the brain.

    • We may be said to 'see' something when the brain interprets signals from the retina via the optic nerve, and recognizes them as something familiar.

    • Camouflage is used by predators and prey, to get food or to avoid being food. One form of camouflage uses disruptive coloration so shapes are harder to see.

    • The main parts of the vertebrate eye include the cornea, the vitreous humour, the lens, the aqueous humour, the retina and the optic nerve, and a covering.

    • Visual signalling is used by animals in mate selection, and this has led to many of the weird and colourful extremes seen in the animal world.

    • There are three kinds of colour receptors in the cone cells of the retina, detecting the three 'primary colours', and effectively defining the primary colours.

    • The cone cells of the retina differ from the rods by having different visual photopigments so that they can respond preferentially to certain wavelengths.

    • The fovea is the most sensitive part of the retina in the human eye: this is the central portion of the retina where colour vision is located as well.

    • The people we call 'colour' blind can in fact see most colours. They have problems telling certain colours apart that others see as different.

    • In 1794, John Dalton was the first to describe colour blindness. It was easy for him to observe this phenomenon, since he was in fact extremely blind-blind.

    • Dalton believed the fluid in his eyes must be blue, and arranged for one of his eyes to be dissected, after his death, to test this. He turned out to be wrong.

    • Most visual illusions are a result of conflicting signals reaching the brain, which is then required to make the best sense of them that it can.

    • Some animals can detect electric fields: electric fish live in muddy water and platypuses hunt with their eyes shut, using sense organs on the 'bill'.

    • In 1940, Donald Griffin and Robert Galambos announced their discovery that insectivorous bats rely on sonar echolocation to navigate and find prey. 

    The principles of microscopy

    • In 1610, Johann Kepler developed the basic modern arrangement for the compound microscope, which Leeuwenhoek would put into practice, at the end of the century.

    • In 1658 Jan Swammerdam saw red blood cells under a microscope, described red corpuscles, lymphatic valves, and changes in the shape of muscles in contraction.

    • 1665 Robert Hooke published his Micrographia, making microscopy popular, identifies cells, and also proposed that artificial silk may be made by extruding gum.

    • In 1674 Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the compound microscope, and then went on to discover and describe various Protozoa, bacteria, and rotifers.

    • In 1722, Daniel Defoe made a casual reference to theories that plague was caused by microbes, too small to be seen without the aid of a lens or microscope.

    • In 1830, Joseph Jackson Lister, the father of the more famous Joseph Lister, showed how compound lenses can correct for chromatic and spherical aberration.

    • Medical practitioners may not need a microscope today, but microscopes were essential to medical researchers in the past as they sought the causes of diseases.

    • Only a microscope would let researchers to examine the shape of bacteria, and to see which stains were absorbed by the cell wall of a suspicious bacterium.

    • Only a microscope would let researchers to examine fine detail like a number of hairs on a mosquito's leg, and so identify a species that was a disease vector.

    • Microscopes were also important to geologists, because it is easy to identify minerals in thin sections of rock with polarized light, filters, and a microscope.

    • There is a limit to how much a microscope can magnify, which depends on the wavelength of the light used, and the size of the object being looked at.

    • Because electrons behave in some ways like light, it is possible to make a microscope which uses electron beams instead of light to see very fine detail. 

    The principles of cells and tissues

    • The cell is the basis of all living things, but cells are made up of smaller parts with different functions. Only a cell can make another cell.

    • In 1663, Robert Hooke was able to see and describe plant cells, seen in a thin slice of cork, examined under the microscope, and he estimated their size.

    • Hooke's estimate: in one inch, "near eleven hundred of them . . . in a Cubick Inch, above twelve hundred Millions, or 1 259 712 000, a thing most incredible".

    • René Joachim Henri Dutrochet was probably the first to offer us the theory that all living things are composed of cells, rather than Schleiden or Schwann.

    • In 1858, Rudolf Virchow ruled out spontaneous generation, saying that all cells arise from pre-existing cells, saying it in Latin: "Omnis cellula e cellula".

    • In 1860, Louis Pasteur stated his view that all living things come from living things, which he expressed in Latin, saying: "Omne vivum e vivo".

    • All the procaryotes have regions within them which are locally different, but they have no membrane-bound organelles inside the outer membrane.

    • The life forms we call procaryotes may also be considered as acellular, in that they contain a whole organism in a single container, rather than unicellular.

    • Saying that a cell is filled with cytoplasm is about as useful as saying a television set is filled with teleplasm: neither statement contains any information.

    • A cell membrane is a complex structure that interacts with the cells' contents and surroundings to play a major part in the operation of the cell.

    • The cell membrane is more than a bag: it is an important part of the cell which plays a major role in deciding what is, and is not, allowed into the cell.

    • Cells may take up material by active transport, where parts of the membrane select particular molecules and carry them into (or out of) the cell.

    • Cells may take up material by pinocytosis, where the cell membrane puckers in, surrounds a particle or some fluid, seals it off, and then releases it inside.

    • All of the organisms we call eucaryotes have membrane-bound organelles, including the nucleus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies and mitochondria.

    • Serial endosymbiosis theory says the parts of eucaryotic cells were once separate simple organisms which linked together to form a complex organism.

    • In 1914, Warren H. Lewis and his wife, Margaret Lewis, used bright field microscopy to be the first to describe mitochondria and mitochondrial shape changes.

    • The role of the mitochondria is to generate energy in the cell, so the mitochondria are the centres where respiration is used to generate ATP from ADP.

    • The nucleus of a eucaryotic cell is visible under the light microscope, especially when it is treated with a DNA-specific dye that stains the chromosomes.

    • In 1956, Henry Borsook and Paul Charles Zamecnik established that the ribosomes of the endoplasmic reticulum were the site of protein synthesis.

    • The role of the ribosomes is to make protein as specified in accordance with the universal genetic code by the sequence of bases on a strand of messenger RNA. 
    Medicine and health
    • Many illnesses are caused by small living things, too small to see, that get into wounds and our digestive systems, which is why boiling water is a good rule.

    • The small life forms that sometimes make us ill are not all harmful, especially when they are in the right place, not the wrong place. Some of them are useful.

    • The small things that cause disease can be grouped by their appearance, their habits and in other ways as viruses, bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa and parasites.

    • Some sorts of illness are caused by things we eat, or by things we have failed to eat and need. We need to eat a balanced diet of different food types.

    • When a disease spreads widely, this is called an epidemic, but if it spreads across the world (as HIV has done), it is usually called a pandemic.

    • A disease spread by an animal is called a zoonosis: examples include tuberculosis, formerly spread by cattle, avian (bird) forms of influenza, and maybe SARS.

    • We get diseases from the bites of invertebrates like flies, mosquitoes and ticks, because the biter carries and spreads a virus, bacterium or protozoan.

    • To identify the cause of a disease, we study a large number of people, half with, and half without the disease, and see what else distinguishes the two groups.

    • Scientists use a range of standard methods to identify the cause of a disease, using maps, statistics, and a knowledge of how diseases spread in populations.

    • Epidemiology involves finding causes of disease and also vectors. In modern times it has come to rely heavily on genomic methods to identify causes of disease.

    • Most of our understanding of disease relies on the germ theory, which says that diseases are commonly caused by microbes of different sorts invading us.

    • The microbes that cause disease can be classed as protists (protozoans), viruses, bacteria and some Fungi. No Archaea are known to cause disease.

    • Some diseases are dietary deficiency diseases, as a result of the diet lacking some essential vitamin or mineral, or because the needed item cannot be retained.

    • Some diseases are not inherited as such, but it is possible to have a genetic predisposition, to inherit an increased vulnerability to a given disease.

    • The term 'drug' has two distinct meanings, one relating to drugs of addiction, the other relating to drugs used to treat illnesses. All drugs can do harm.

    • Aging and degenerative diseases include Alzheimer disease, Parkinsonism, arthritis, macular degeneration, and cancers caused by self-repair failures.

    • Disease can be caused by dust such as silica or asbestos in the lung, chemicals in the environment (including food) and pollution in various forms.

    • Many conditions once called environmental diseases are actually set off by microbes, including ulcers and heart disease, both formerly blamed on stress. 

    The principles of bacterial diseases

    • In some systems, the prokaryotic Monera make up one of the five main groups of living things, including the bacteria, the cyanobacteria and the Archaea.

    • Bacteria are usually small cells that live and reproduce independently or in small colonies, and which have no separate membrane-bound organelles or nucleus.

    • Bacteria can usually only be seen with a microscope, although at least one bacterium, Thiomargarita namibiensis, is large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

    • Bacteria can be distinguished by staining properties, which show up when stains are used that are either taken up by chemicals in the cell wall, or not.

    • In 1884, Christian Joachim Gram invented his Gram stain which could be used for the classification of bacteria, because it only stained one type of cell wall.

    • One common stain used on bacteria is the Gram stain, used to divide bacteria in Gram positive (which take on a violet colour) and Gram negative bacteria.

    • The cell wall of a Gram negative bacterium is high in lipid content and low in peptidoglycans, the portion that the Gram stain normally attaches to.

    • Some bacteria form biofilms, layers of bacteria and complex molecules, often with other species involved, which behave like tissues in higher animals.

    • Bacteria form plaques of biofilm, complex interdependent communities of bacteria that interact and form layers similar to tissues in higher animals.

    • Some bacteria may be cultured in a Petri dish on a culture medium, but there are many more, perhaps as much as 96%, which cannot be cultured.

    • Most of the bacteria that cannot be cultured in a pure culture are those involved in biofilms, and which require other bacteria to be present before they grow.

    • Bubonic plague is a bacterial disease. The rats carry bacteria, fleas get them when they bite rats, and transfer them to humans when they bite the humans.

    • In 1843, Oliver Wendell Holmes observed the contagiousness of septicaemia, and suggested that medical staff should wash their hands to prevent its spread.

    • Ignaz Semmelweis could not explain why his innovative method designed to prevent childbed fever worked, though there could be no doubt that it did in fact work.

    • Semmelweis required those working under him to wash their hands in strong chemicals (chlorinated lime) before touching patients, and the fever rates plummeted.

    • Semmelweis died of the same fever he had done so much to fight, just a few years before the tide turned when Pasteur and Lister showed that his ideas worked.

    • In 1854, John Snow showed that whatever caused cholera, it could be found in the unboiled water from one well in London's Soho, coming close to a germ theory.

    • Hermann von Helmholtz anticipated Louis Pasteur by indicating that both fermentation and rotting were biological effects, but he did not follow this up.

    • In 1863, Pasteur showed that a micro-organism causes the souring of wine into vinegar, and as a response, invented pasteurization to kill the micro-organisms.

    • Bacteria can be killed in an autoclave if they are exposed for long enough to the combination of heat and steam, mainly because key proteins are denatured.

    • The bacteria that attack humans can generally be cultured, because the culture media that are used for this imitate the human body in many ways.

    • In 1882, Robert Koch described his method for isolating bacteria in pure culture by plating them on solid media, first gelatin, then agar later.

    • In 1876, Robert Koch cultured anthrax bacilli and showed that anthrax is caused by a specific organism, and in the same year, also stated Koch's postulates.

    • Robert Koch developed a set of four postulates, essential conditions that had to be met before an organism could be named as the cause of a particular disease.

    • Koch's first postulate: The organism should always be found present in an animal with the disease, and should never be found in one not suffering the disease.

    • Koch's second postulate: The organism must be cultured in a pure culture, containing only that one organism, away from the animal body, so it can be isolated.

    • Koch's third postulate: When such a culture of the purified organism is inoculated into a susceptible organism, characteristic disease symptoms should appear.

    • Koch's fourth postulate: The organisms reisolated and cultured from the experimental animals should be seen to be the same organism that was cultured earlier.

    • Even in old age, Florence Nightingale dismissed the 'germ-fetish'. She was one of the most reputable opponents of antisepsis, even as she promoted cleanliness.

    • In 1909, Charles Jules Henri Nicolle showed in a series of monkey trials in Tunis that the bacillus of typhus fever was transmitted by the body louse.

    • In 1910, Paul Ehrlich and Sachahiro Hata introduced the so-called magic bullet salvarsan to selectively kill the organism responsible for syphilis. 

    The principles of viral diseases

    • Because viruses are too small to be filtered out of a solution, and too small to see, 19th centuries scientists called them by the Latin name for poison: virus.

    • A virus is typically between 20 and 300 nanometres across, a protein coat surrounding nucleic acid. It needs to get into a cell to reproduce itself.

    • Viruses are small packets of genetic material in a protein coat. They can only reproduce inside a living cell, which they destroy in the process.

    • A virus can be called life because it can reproduce and mutate, or non-life because it needs to invade a cell to be able to reproduce. Take your choice.

    • Because viruses can only reproduce inside a living cell, they are often classed as non-living, but on the other hand, they contain genetic material.

    • Some viruses specialize in attacking bacteria. These are known as bacteriophages, and some bacteriophages have been used to treat bacterial infections.

    • In 1915, Frederick Twort suggested that bacteriophages (as we now know them) were viruses which attack bacteria - these were later referred to as 'phages'.

    • In 1917, Felix Hubert D'Herelle, independently of Frederick Twort, also discovered the same effect, and it was he who called it a bacteriophage.

    • In 1945, Max Delbrück and Salvador Luria organized the first phage course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory which would be taught for 26 consecutive years.

    • In 1953, André Lwoff, working with bacteriophage lambda, found that phage viruses are capable of inserting their genome into the host genome.

    • In 1955, Seymour Benzer began fine-structure genetic mapping a phage, a process that would take five years. He concluded that a gene has many mutable sites.

    • In 1981, the first reports of AIDS began to surface. Symptoms had been noted earlier, especially an increase in Kaposi's Sarcoma, but now AIDS was a condition.

    • AIDS is caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. There are some people who argue that there are other causes, but the medical evidence points at HIV.

    • HIV can be passed from mother to child, and in the absence of any of the alleged 'lifestyle causes' can develop into AIDS, and kill the child.

    • AIDS and HIV do not kill people: the virus takes away the normal immune response, leaving people open to attack by diseases that would usually be controlled.

    • AIDS is caused by HIV, but in a very real sense, AIDS can be said to be caused by poverty, because poor people are more likely to be infected by HIV.

    • The Durban declaration of 2000 was drafted to counter a set of mischievous and ill-informed claims from 'AIDS sceptics' that HIV was unrelated to AIDS.

    • In 1898, Martinus Beijerinck used filtering trials to show that tobacco mosaic disease is caused by something smaller than a bacteria and called it a virus.

    • In 1910, Peyton Rous showed that viruses play a role in some cancers when he discovered the Rous Sarcoma Virus. He gained a Nobel Prize for this in 1966.

    • In 1937, Sir Frederick Charles Bawden discovered that the tobacco mosaic virus contains RNA, the first virus found to contain RNA as the genetic material.

    • In 1935, Wendell Meredith Stanley was the first researcher to purify and crystallize a virus, the tobacco mosaic virus, for which he gained a 1946 Nobel Prize.

    • In 1955, Fraenkel-Conrat and Williams separated tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) nucleic acid from its protein coat and found that both were necessary for infection.

    • In 1960 Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat announced the complete sequencing of the 158 amino acids which make up the protein coat of the tobacco mosaic virus.

    • Smallpox is a viral disease, and like many viral diseases, it can be prevented with a suitable vaccine that prepares the immune system to attack the virus.

    • In 1717 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu had two of her children variolated against smallpox. The practice continued until Edward Jenner developed vaccination.

    • In 1776, George Washington had his troops inoculated against smallpox, using the pre-vaccination treatment called variolation, which was common in his time.

    • Variolation was a procedure that usually gave people a mild dose of smallpox, but occasionally, it killed. In any case, it was a lesser risk than doing nothing.

    • In 1796, Edward Jenner was ethical when he attempted to apply the standard inoculation with smallpox (variolation) on a boy who had previously been vaccinated.

    • The point of was that variolation usually caused a mild form of smallpox, but was known to give immunity. Jenner's vaccination offered risk-free immunity.

    • In 1977, there were no cases of smallpox known, anywhere in the world, as it had, by then, been wiped out in the wild. Laboratory stocks still exist.

    • An arbovirus is a virus spread by blood-sucking arthropods: it is short for 'arthropod-borne virus'. A number of serious human diseases are from arboviruses.

    • Rabies is a viral disease spread by animals. It attacks the nervous system producing the classic symptoms of 'madness' associated with the disease. 
    The principles of cancer
    • Cancer is the result of uncontrolled growth by the cells in a particular tissue, forming a tumour that takes away resources from the rest of the body.

    • It is probably a mistake to look for a single cause for all cancers, because cancers themselves are different, and so probably have many different causes.

    • Cancers all have one thing in common: some control that would normally stop cells from multiplying forever has broken down, so a tumour is able to grow.

    • Chemicals which cause mutations often cause cancers as well, because these chemicals cause mutations in the protective genes that trigger apoptosis.

    • Chemicals which cause mutations often cause cancers as well. Cancers are usually prevented until a protective gene breaks down when it is damaged or mutated.

    • Cancers are often caused by a mutation in one of the protective genes that normally trigger a faulty cell to self-destruct for the benefit of the organism.

    • Our immune system does not protect us against cancer, although the normal operations of apoptosis behave in many ways as a form of immune defence.

    • Even though the immune system as such does not usually attack cancers, our immune systems can be artificially sensitized to attack some cancers.

    • Some cancers spread by metastasis, a process which involves cancerous cells spreading through the body and establishing secondary cancers at new sites.

    • In 1775 Sir Percival Potts noted that cancers of the nasal cavity and scrotum are common in chimney sweeps, that environmental factors can cause cancer.

    • Some chemicals released in the environment such as exhaust gases and even apparently harmless material like sawdust, may cause cell damage and lead to cancers.

    • People can inherit a greater probability of getting some cancers, including skin cancers (more common in Celts) and some of the colonic cancers.

    • Many cancers are associated with aneuploidy, variations in the chromosome number, but it is uncertain whether this is a cause or an effect of cancer.

    The principles of genetic disease and gene therapy
    • In 1908, Archibald Garrod proposed that some human diseases were due to 'inborn errors of metabolism' that result from the lack of a specific enzyme.

    • Some genetic diseases are caused by the genes we inherit, including haemophilia, phenylketonuria, thalassemia, Huntington's chorea, and some forms of cancer.

    • Diseases can be caused by mutated genes: including are haemophilia, cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria. Other genes increase the probability of disease.

    • Disease can be caused by genes that leave people predisposed to get some conditions such as cancers, or diabetes. Many of these are not well understood.

    • Radiation effects, including ultraviolet radiation from the sun, can cause disease, generally because the radiation causes mutations, chemical changes in DNA.

    • The theory of eugenics is that some genes are always better than others, and that 'worse' genes should be eliminated. This is foolish and lacking in science.

    • A form of transmission called sex linkage happens when genes are carried on the sex chromosome. Such conditions are often more common in one sex than the other.

    • Because the genes for colour vision are carried on the X-chromosome, colour blindness is found more often in male humans than in females, who act as carriers.

    • Anomalous deuteranopes, the people we call 'colour' blind, lack one of the three kinds of cone cell in the retina, usually the ones that detect red light.

    • The peculiar pattern of sex-linked inheritance of human blindness-blindness was first reported to The Royal Society of London by the Reverend Michael Lort in 1779.

    • The inheritance laws for sex-linked traits like blindness-blindness were fully formulated in 1820 by Christian Friedrich Nasse, using haemophilia as his example.

    • Haemophilia and colour blindness are two well-known conditions showing sex linkage in their patterns of inheritance, and there are other rarer examples.

    • In 1983, James Gusella used blood samples collected by Nancy Wexler and her co-workers in Venezuela to locate the Huntington's chorea gene on chromosome 4.

    • Genetic manipulation may lead to future effective gene therapies, although it is still less than perfect as a solution, and so only used now in extreme cases.

    • In 1959, LeJeune, Gautier and Turpin found an extra chromosome in the nuclei of cells from children with Down syndrome, later identified as chromosome 21.

    • Recent attempts at gene therapy have only been used on desperately ill patients, in several cases, patients have died from unexpected complications. 

    The principles of protozoal diseases

    • The eukaryotic Protista make up one of the five main groups of living things. It is a mixed group, mainly unicellular, but some are colonial.

    • Some diseases are caused by parasites, including malaria, cryptosporidiosis, and a variety of diseases caused by worms and flukes which live in our bodies.

    • Many serious diseases are caused by protists (or protozoans), including amoebic dysentery, African sleeping sickness, malaria, leishmaniasis and Giardia.

    • Protozoa are single-celled like bacteria, but they have membrane-bound organelles inside their cells, suggesting a very different line of evolution and descent. 

     The principles of prionic diseases

    • Proteins are made of folded chains of amino acids: prions are misfolded proteins, causing a variety of 'prionic' diseases which attack the brain.

    • In technical language, prion diseases are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders affecting both humans and animals.

    • That means the prion diseases begin slowly and get worse over time, attacking the nervous system of the animal they attack.

    • Known prionic diseases include kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (and vCJD) in humans, scrapie in sheep, CWD in deer and BSE or 'mad cow disease' in cattle.

    • Scrapie was the first disease known, and for a very long time, scientists believed that the disease could not cross what they called 'the species barrier'.

    • Scientists now believe that BSE was caused when ground-up nerve tissue from diseased sheep was fed to cattle as a food supplement.

    • Scientists strongly suspect that vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in humans was caused by eating cows suffering from BSE.

    • Other human prion diseases are: GSS (Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome); FFI (Fatal familial Insomnia) and Alpers Syndrome.

    • Prions can pass on their misfolding to other proteins, causing prionic diseases to spread. The only answer is to destroy all carcases of diseased animals. 

    Nutrition and food

    • Animals use food for the replacement of worn-out parts of their bodies, turning over tissues like blood at a high rate, other tissues more slowly.

    • A sufficient diet for any animal must provide enough energy, must include enough protein of the right sort and enough of each vitamin that an animal needs.

    • Animals need food as a source of energy, and as a source of raw material for building tissues and cells and the repair of damaged tissues and cells.

    • The anatomy of an animal reflects what it eats, especially in the teeth and claws, and in those parts of the body used to reach or catch up with food.

    • The vitamin needs of different species of animal vary, depending on which of the needed vitamins they can make for themselves from their normal diet.

    • The teeth of an animal give a good clue as to what it eats: carnivores have large canines and shearing teeth to cut raw meat and no grinders.

    • The teeth of an animal give a good clue as to what it eats: herbivores have large grinding teeth to make a pulp of tough vegetation and no shearing teeth.

    • The teeth of an animal may be misleading about what it eats: male gorillas have large canine teeth, which they use in threat displays to other males.

    • Human starvation is a major killer of our fellow humans, both directly through starvation, and by weakening people so they cannot fight off disease.

    • Deficiencies in the diet can cause diseases such as pellagra, scurvy, rickets, goitre and beriberi, all of which may be cured by a better diet.

    • In 1657, James Cook (not the navigator) published the case notes on scurvy of John Hall, William Shakespeare's son-in-law, leading to some later confusion.

    • In 1753 James Lind published his Treatise on Scurvy, establishing that lemon juice cured scurvy, though it would be a long while before it was fully accepted.

    • In 1906, Frederick Hopkins suggested the existence of what we now call vitamins and that a lack of these essential compounds caused scurvy and rickets.

    • In 1921, Sir Edward Mellanby discovered vitamin D and showed that its absence causes rickets in dogs kept indoors, while cod-liver oil cured it.

    • In 1914, Goldberger had noted that only orphanage children between 6 and 12 years old got the disease, but no orphanage staff, and no younger or older children.

    • It turned out later that those under six were given plenty of milk, and those over twelve were given more meat. Everything pointed to some dietary deficiency.

    • In 1915, Joseph Goldberger showed pellagra was a vitamin deficiency disease, after he noted an age distribution that was later related to diet in an orphanage.

    • Some diseases are caused by environmental factors, including toxins in foods that may be produced by microbes, and carcinogens in food, air and water.

    • There are various methods of food preservation, which make it impossible for microbes to live in or on the food, or place a barrier between microbes and food.

    • Food preservation can be done by boiling to sterilize, followed by sealing to keep germs out, by adding strong solutions of salt or sugar, or by freezing.

    • Some animals rely mainly on metabolic water for their water, this being water that is formed during the respiration of lipids and carbohydrates. 

    Drugs and medicines

    • Herbal drugs rely on effects that have evolved over long periods, but they have uncertain strength, while medical versions of those drugs are more predictable.

    • Herbal drugs rely on chemical effects that evolved over long periods to be biologically active in some way, and just happen to also affect some other condition.

    • The study of past use of plant medicines is ethnobotany. It involves identifying those plants which experimentation has identified as effective against disease.

    • In 1785 William Withering published 'An Account of the Foxglove and Some of Its Medical Uses', introducing the traditional herb digitalis as a medical drug.

    • In 1809 Benjamin Silliman and a partner opened the first two soda water fountains in New York City, promoting the drink as a remedy against yellow fever.

    • In 1941, Selman Abraham Waksman coined the term 'antibiotic' to describe compounds produced by microorganisms which are able to kill bacteria.

    • Antibiotics have evolved naturally to combat other life forms, mostly in the soil, on the moist skin of frogs, or in other places where competition is intense.

    • Antibiotics are selective poisons that kill some sorts of bacteria which lack resistance, but it should not be assumed that they do not harm us as well.

    • Many frogs secrete antibiotics on their skin, an important adaptation in an animal that lives mostly in damp places. Some frogs also secrete toxins.

    • Many living things living in damp and moist conditions produce antibiotics, chemicals that limit the growth of bacteria on the organism producing them.

    • Antibiotics are effective against some bacteria. They are selective poisons that kill bacteria: they are more poisonous to bacteria than to our cells.

    • Many bacteria are resistant to some antibiotics, and given time and enough exposure, especially in small doses, can develop resistance to any known antibiotic.

    • The development and spread of antibiotic resistance is favoured by uncontrolled use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture and by horizontal gene transfer.

    • Virus diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics, but a great deal of waste of antibiotics goes on when they are prescribed for viral illnesses. 

    About plants

    • Plants all have cellulose cell walls, higher plants form specialized tissues like aerenchyme and conductive tissues, and plant cells contain plastids.

    • Plants get their energy by respiration of chemical stores, generally in the form of carbohydrates, to convert adenosine diphosphate to adenosine triphosphate.

    • The minerals that plants need are absorbed by passive uptake as water which contains dissolved salts is drawn in from the soil by the root hairs.

    • Plants have limitations and needs, such as water, light and minerals, and they compete with other plants for these, both by growing upwards, and chemically.

    • Algae are very simple plants with common features in the ways they reproduce (always in water), and their comparative lack of specialized tissues.

    • The green algae are a subset of the algae, linked loosely by the chemistry of their photosynthetic pigments and their habits, the ways they grow.

    • Many of the lower plants such as mosses and ferns exhibit alternation of generations, with haploid and diploid forms, each giving rise to the other.

    • Mosses and other bryophytes make a natural grouping because they have a number of traits (lack of conductive tissue, method of reproduction) in common.

    • Ferns make a natural grouping, because they have similar features such as conductive tissue, and the life cycles seen in their reproductive methods.

    • Gymnosperms (the pines and their relatives) make a natural grouping, because they grow in similar ways, are anatomically similar, and reproduce the same way.

    • Higher plants have vascular tissue systems with phloem and xylem, which allows them to rise up off the ground, and get more energy from the Sun.

    • Higher plants have complex leaf tissue systems, with an epidermis with stomates, and an inner area, rich in chloroplasts and air gaps to allow air access.

    • Higher plants have root tissue systems which are able to gather in the water and minerals that the plant needs. Some roots have symbionts attached.

    • Higher plants have growth areas within them: cambium and meristem in particular, where new cells are formed and differentiated into the needed tissues.

    • Wood is a two-phase material, with lignin for rigidity and cellulose fibres for tensile strength, which plants need to get higher than other plants.

    • Some plants are annual, growing through a complete cycle once a year (or more often in some cases), some are perennial, lasting for many years, like trees.

    • Flowering plants or angiosperms may be divided into dicotyledons and monocotyledons, which have other traits such as the forms of leaves and roots in common.

    • Angiosperms have different ways of getting pollen to travel from one plant to another, relying on wind, birds, insects, and even small mammals in some cases.

    • Angiosperms have a variety of ways to spread their seeds to new areas, using wind, the digestive systems of animals, hooks and adhesives among other things.

    • Angiosperms often hybridize outside their species though usually within their genus, but sometimes further afield, if tetraploid individuals occur.

    • Higher plants have a range of tissue systems, with different types of cell in different parts, performing different functions to maintain the plant.

    • At times of stress, the leaves of angiosperms drop off at the abscission layer, a point where the plant seals itself off to prevent undue water loss.

    • Dying leaves are yellow because, before a leaf is dropped from a plant, most of the available nutrients are taken back into the plant, to be used again.

    • Many angiosperms produce alkaloid poisons in their leaves to defend them against herbivores, and the herbivores need to evolve ways to deal with this.

    • Angiosperms can also exchange genetic material outside species barriers when microbes carry genes into plants, a process called horizontal gene transfer.

    • Angiosperms sometimes produce adventitious roots from branches, providing new sources of water and support for large trees, once the roots are established.

    • Roots are used by plants to obtain water and minerals, generally from the soil, but roots also keep plants upright against the forces of gravity and wind.

    • Plants can sense the down direction, and roots grow downwards, although once in the soil, the secondary roots of many plants will also grow towards water.

    • Pollen fertilizes a flowering plant when a pollen tube grows down the style, so one of the nuclei can travel down the tube and fuse with a nucleus in the ovum.

    • In the laboratory, plant hybrids can be created that cross species barriers, but the same process also happens in nature, and in agriculture.

    • Many plants have spines or hairs on their leaves and stems to discourage herbivores from grazing on them, depriving the plant of water, energy and minerals.

    • Over time, plants have evolved to produce chemicals that attract useful animals such as pollinators, while also making chemicals that repel potential predators. 

    The principles of photosynthesis

    • Plants are producer organisms, but they need both oxygen for respiration and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis in order to operate as a living organism.

    • Most photosynthesis happens in leaves, but it can also take place in cladodes and phyllodes, which are modified and flattened stems and petioles.

    • All of the photosynthetic parts of plants (leaves, cladodes and phyllodes) contain chloroplasts, small organelles where photosynthesis actually takes place.

    • Photosynthetic parts need stomates or pores to let gases in and out: the opening of the stomates is controlled by the guard cells on either side of the stomate.

    • Photosynthesis in plants would not take place without the chlorophyll that is contained in the chloroplasts, which is used to produce energetic electrons.

    • According to serial endosymbiosis theory, chloroplasts were once independent organisms which then found welcoming shelter inside other primitive organisms.

    • Plants appear to be green because chlorophyll does not extract the energy from green light, and this wavelength is reflected away from the leaf.

    • In any conditions, there will always be a limiting factor on productivity in plants, some item which is in short supply and so limits photosynthesis.

    • Plants use at least two different photosynthetic pathways, known as C3 and C4. C4 plants are more efficient than C3 plants in photosynthesis.

    • The difference between C3 and C4 plants lies in just a few key enzymes, but it leads to curious effects which may be detected long after the plant has died.

    • The uptake of the stable isotopes of carbon, carbon-12 and carbon-13, varies between C3 (less carbon-13) and C4 plants, which have more carbon-13.

    • An examination of the stable carbon isotopes in animal material reveals whether the animals ate C3 or C4 plants, and so may indicate past climate details. 

     About fungi

    • Fungi are a mixed group of living things, linked by features of their cells. Most fungi are multicelled, and many of their cells contain more than one nucleus.

    • Fungi are found in most environments, but are particularly important in places like forest floors, where they consume litter and many microarthropods eat them.

    • Most fungi reproduce by spores, though some fungi reproduce by growing extensions of their hyphae into new areas, once a spore has established a new growth.

    • Fungi play an essential role by breaking down and recycling dead material, so that the nutrients contained in the dead material can be used again.

    • Because they live in highly competitive environments, many fungi produce antibiotics and other poisons that are able to harm predators or bacteria.

    • Fungi have caused poisoning by ergotism in the past, when the ergot fungus has attacked a rye crop. Other fungi can make nut crops poisonous.

    • Fungi cause a number of unpleasant or dangerous diseases in humans like tinea (athlete's foot), thrush, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, ergotism and ringworm.

    • The Basidiomycetes (mushrooms, toadstools and similar forms) make a natural grouping within the Fungi, linked by a number of characteristics.

    • Yeasts can be observed in the process of respiration, and may be shown to use a remarkably similar set of genes and biochemicals found in other organisms.

    • A fungus can sometimes be found associated with one of the algae in a lichen: this is often regarded as a symbiosis, but is more like helotism.

    • Fungi form mycorrhiza on many plants, symbiotic threads that grow out from the roots, and play the same role as root hairs, taking up water and minerals. 

    About fish

    • Fish make a natural group of animals, because they have similar methods of reproduction and breathing, and structures such as gills, fins and scales.

    • Like the reptiles and the amphibians, the fish are poikilothermic or cold-blooded, and this can bring special problems for fish in polar waters.

    • Fish are found in both fresh and salt waters all over the world, though some fish can survive out of water for a short while, enough to move from pool to pool.

    • Some of the early fish developed their fins into something not unlike legs, and moved onto the shore, giving rise to the earliest four-legged amphibians.

    • Bony fish show a wide variety of adaptations in their structures and behaviour. Some fish also show a limited ability to learn from their experiences.

    • Bony fish are generally able to adjust their buoyancy, in much the same way that submarines do by adding or removing gases from a swim bladder.

    • Sharks and rays have cartilage for their skeletons and no bone, and they have a number of other common characteristics, like the lack of a swim bladder.

    • Sharks have heterocercal tails which produce lift as they swim. This, with the angling of their pectoral fins, keeps the negative buoyancy sharks from sinking.

    • Some sharks reproduce in unexpected ways, some of them nurturing eggs within their body and actually producing live young, while others lay eggs.

    • Fish rely on a variety of senses, including sound (vibration detection), smell (taste), sight, and electric senses which are effective in muddy water. 

     About amphibians

    • Amphibians make a natural grouping of animals, almost all other than the axolotls having a juvenile aquatic stage and an adult terrestrial stage.

    • Modern amphibians are the descendants of the first vertebrates to move out of the water onto the land. Most of them have evolved a great deal since that time.

    • The development of an egg into a tadpole and the metamorphosis of a tadpole to an adult may be observed with ease, making them ideal laboratory animals.

    • Frogs and toads fit the terrestrial vertebrate body pattern, having an endoskeleton with four pentadactyl limbs, and a brain located in the skull.

    • Many of the amphibians have well-developed powers of regeneration, and they may even be able to regenerate lost limbs. Other vertebrates lack this ability.

    • Many amphibians around the world are endangered species, but the reason is still a matter for debate. It may be caused by pesticides, Fungi, or something else.

    • Amphibians undergo a form of metamorphosis as they develop from tadpole to adult, a change in body form that is far greater than that of any other vertebrate.

    • The amphibians, which have external fertilization, gave rise at some point to the early reptiles, which had internal fertilization.

      About reptiles

    • Reptiles make a natural group, because they all have scales and similar internal anatomy. They vary in their methods of reproduction, and are divided by this.

    • Lizards mostly have legs, though some have lost them. Snakes have no legs, but evolved from reptiles with legs, as can be seen in the fossil record.

    • Snakes are a natural part of the environment, and play a part in maintaining normal natural balances. They should be preserved, like all the other parts.

    • Most people who are bitten by a snake are bitten while trying to catch or kill a snake that could just as easily have been left alone. There is a lesson here.

    • Tuatarans are primitive reptiles which only managed to survive in a few isolated parts of New Zealand, where they were able to avoid predators and competitors.

    • Turtles and tortoises are reptiles that have shells. Turtles need to come ashore to lay their eggs, which leaves them and their young at risk from predators.

    • Dinosaurs are one of the groups of extinct reptiles, and based on their skeletons, they may be further divided into lizard-hipped and bird-hipped forms.

    • Extinct reptiles can be reconstructed from fossil evidence, but reconstructions are often coloured by people's assumptions about how the animals behaved.

    • Dinosaurs lived for a long time, a long time ago, and probably died out (as dinosaurs) as a result of an asteroid strike that changed the climate.

    • Dinosaurs are usually referred to as having died out, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the birds are just modern warm-blooded dinosaurs.

    • There are some scientists who would happily treat the birds as part of the reptiles group, while others would include the monotremes as reptiles.

    • There are many theories about how the dinosaurs died, and we will probably never know what really happened, but the asteroid theory looks good.

    • There were other ancient reptiles around at the time of the dinosaurs that were not dinosaurs, and some of them survive today, like crocodilians and tuatarans.

    • The first people to make the ancient reptiles well known were Caspar Wistar, Mary Anning and Gideon Mantell. Richard Owen also helped.

    • Even now, we only have a very partial picture of the dinosaurs, because the fossil record is far from complete, but every year, new founds are made. 
    About birds
    • Birds make a natural group of animals, all having feathers and scaly legs, all being warm-blooded and egg-laying. On the ground, they move on two legs.

    • Aside from their physical similarities, birds have many similar behaviours: most of them make nests for their eggs, care for their young, and tend to flock together.

    • Birds of a species all nest in the same way, because nest-building behaviour is driven by instinct, although the materials used for the nest may vary.

    • Birds select a mate with care, and most birds provide detailed support for their young, except for cuckoos, hatching the eggs and feeding the young birds.

    • Cuckoo behaviour is a trade-off that works for the cuckoos, which can spend more of their energy in producing extra eggs, rather than feeding their young.

    • If enough birds began to behave like cuckoos, the strategy would no longer pay off, and the birds would either need to change their behaviour or go extinct.

    • As a general rule, species which are under threat of extinction have no way of perceiving the threat, so it is improbable that they will change their behaviour.

    • Birds are adapted in many ways for how they live: they are able to live in all of the environments where humans can live, and a few where humans cannot.

    • Wild birds can be identified in a variety of ways: from traces and tracks, by their calls, their plumage and beaks, their size, location, and the way they fly.

    • All birds show behaviour, and birds of the same species show similar behaviour, but most birds are also able to learn new behavioural patterns.

    • Flightless birds have evolved from flying birds, which was a change that allowed them to grow larger or to function better in the absence of predators.

    • Flight feathers can be recognized even in a fossil, because the feathers are asymmetrical, with the narrower edge to the front (leading edge) of the wing.

    • Fossils of Archaeopteryx have feathers on their wings which are narrower on the leading edge (front side), showing that Archaeopteryx could fly. 

     About mammals

    • Mammals make a natural group which subdivides into three, based on their methods of reproduction: the monotremes, the marsupials and the placentals.
    • All mammals are warm-blooded, they all have at least a few modified hairs, and they generally care for their young. They are usually classified by their teeth.
    • For each mammal, it is possible to write a dental formula, describing the numbers of each of the different types of teeth in each jaw.
    • Teeth last long after an animal dies. While teeth are useful in identifying the groups that extinct mammals belong to, there are a few inconsistencies.

    • According to the dental formula of a koala, it is some sort of fat possum. The molecular evidence, on the other hand, suggests that it is an arboreal wombat.

    • All of the mammals other than monotremes are viviparous, bearing their young alive. Monotremes are the only furry and warm-blooded egg-layers.

    • Monotremes have many reptilian features, including egg-laying, their gait as they walk, their egg-laying, and their body temperature, which is more variable.

    • Marsupials have common features: most of the females (but not all) have pouches in which the young are carried, and the reproductive systems are distinctive.

    • Placental mammals have their young develop within the uterus, getting nourishment from a placenta, which is fetal tissue in contact with the mother's tissues. 

     About invertebrates

    • Having a group called 'invertebrate' shows us an unnatural division of living things, as about all they have in common is the lack of a backbone or notochord.

    • In most cases, invertebrates are quite small, though there are exceptions to this rule like the giant squid, one of the largest organisms found on the planet.

    • Because the invertebrates are not a natural grouping in any sense, there are very few general comments or principles that can be stated about them.

    • Within the unnatural grouping that we call the invertebrates, there are many subgroups which are useful and make a great deal of sense for scientific work.

    • Earthworms and their relatives make a natural group of living things: they burrow in the soil, feed at the surface, have senses and are easy to culture. 

     About molluscs

    • The molluscs, the snails and their relatives make a natural group, based on their body plan and general anatomy and their mode of reproduction.

    • Snails live in water and on land, and even in the most unlikely places, including a number of deserts. Some snails are very efficient at conserving water.

    • Some snails eat plants, grinding tissue with a radula, while others are carnivorous. Tropical cone shells are dangerously venomous, hunting and catching prey.

    • Normal shelled snails can be found with both right-handed (normal thread) and left-handed (reverse or gas thread) shells. Most species have just one form.

    • Snails can be cultivated fairly easily, and are worth careful observation for their methods of eating and locomotion, as seen when they move across glass.

    • Slugs are shell-less snails with a somewhat different body plan, but they also possess asymmetrical arrangements left over from when they had shells.

    • Octopuses are highly intelligent, and can be trained to perform a variety of complex tricks. They will also solve problems involving travelling through mazes.

    • Some octopuses lay out items on the sandy sea floor in a pattern that probably assist them in finding the way back to their shelter when danger threatens.

    • Some octopuses, particularly the blue-ringed octopus, carry a powerful toxin that can kill humans. This is tetrodotoxin, which they probably get from microbes. 

     About arthropods

    • Arthropods with more than eight legs form several easily distinguished groups, the main ones being the crustaceans, the millipedes and the centipedes.

    • Millipedes make a natural group: they are vegetarians, and they have two pairs of legs to each segment. Because of their diet, they are easy to culture.

    • Centipedes make a natural group of venomous carnivores, with one pair of legs on each segment, unlike millipedes, which have two pairs of legs per segment.

    • Spiders, scorpions and ticks make a natural grouping, based on their number of legs, but in other ways, they are quite distinct in their behaviour and anatomy.

    • Spiders hunt in a variety of ways: orb weavers use a normal 'spider web', but others cast a net over their prey, while others chase their prey down in the open.

    • Orb weaver spiders can be kept and observed, so long as they are placed on a frame standing in and over water, where they can make a web, but not escape.

    • Some species of spiders, and some strains within species, can be social, grouping together. This is a useful characteristic when spiders arrive in a new place.

    • Australian huntsmen spiders arrived in New Zealand in the recent past, and while they are rarely social in Australia, they are commonly social in New Zealand.

    • Crustaceans make a natural group that is easy to study: slaters or woodlice can be cultured, and freshwater crustaceans can easily be kept in tanks.

    • Charles Darwin used a careful analysis of their anatomy to show that barnacles are not shellfish but arthropods: their tentacles are highly modified legs.

    • Insects make a natural grouping, because they all have six legs, and either have four wings, or can be shown to have evolved from four-winged ancestors.

    • The changes in insects are called metamorphosis: starting as an egg, an insect larva becomes a pupa which becomes the adult form, called an imago.

    • In social insects, it is common for all members of a colony to have exactly the same genes, and for one individual to lay all the eggs on behalf of all of them.

    • In social insects, having identical genomes is important, because the actions of the sterile workers still go to improve the survival of their genome.

    • The beetles or Coleoptera are a very diverse group of insects, but all of them have elytra, which are modified wings, protecting their flight wings.

    • Flies have four wings, but fly with just two, the other two (the halteres) being reduced to a very small size and used for balance in flight.

    • The role of the halteres in balance may be demonstrated by removing the halteres from an adult fly, which will then be unable to fly in the normal way.

    • Fruit flies can be cultured in the laboratory, and they were commonly used in genetics experiments, because they go through generations very rapidly.

    • Mosquitoes are a natural division of the flies, based on their reproduction and feeding patterns, where males feed on plants, females on animals.

    • Mosquitoes have three clear stages of development, with the egg, the larva and the pupa in water: mosquito development may be observed in captivity.

    • The Hymenoptera (ants, wasps and bees) make a natural grouping: almost all of the Hymenoptera form group nests that have a complex social structure.

    • Termites, otherwise called the Isoptera, have a complex social structure, featuring a variety of specialized forms or castes within the nest.

    • Butterflies and moths are a natural grouping, but the butterflies and moths cannot be divided naturally on any differences, as the division is not a natural one.

    • Butterflies and moths show a variety of adaptations to their environments and predators, including the development of 'fright eye' patterns on their wings.

    • Caterpillars have specific food preferences, and females will normally lay eggs on food plants suitable for the caterpillars, for obvious evolutionary reasons.

    • The Lepidoptera, the moths and butterflies, are varied in their size and form, they differ greatly in their food choices, and some migrate over long distances.

    • Case moths always use local dead plants for their covering, and this can be demonstrated in the laboratory. Some case moths never develop wings.

    • Some caterpillars and moths are protected by the toxins they eat, and in some cases, they can even pass this protection on to the next generation.

    • Moths pollinate some white, heavily-perfumed flowers at night, and it seems that the flowers have developed these traits specifically to attract the moths. 

    The principles of biotechnology

    • Biotechnology uses living forms, mainly simple cells like bacteria to make products that could come from other sources, but does it faster and more cheaply.

    • Much of biotechnology involves producing enzymes. Enzymes are useful because they are substrate-specific and generally have no side-effects on the end-users.

    • A major product of modern biotechnology is biopharmaceuticals, although this may change as the technology becomes more mature and more products are possible.

    • Organisms living under extreme conditions are known as extremophile organisms: they typically live either in very hot or very toxic conditions, or both.

    • Extremophiles are interesting sources of new enzymes, because they need such things to survive: Taq-polymerase, used in PCR, was obtained from an extremophile

    • Environmental technology often involves bioremediation, using either existing extremophiles or modified organisms to make dangerous substances safe.

    • In 1973, Stanley Norman Cohen and Herbert Wayne Boyer demonstrated that restriction enzymes could be used to transfer genes from one species to another.

    • The information gathered in genomics work can be applied through bioinformatics, a new science that links modern biological knowledge and computing.

    • We know very little about the microbes that share our planet, because most of them remain hidden at this stage, unless they infect us, our crops or our animals.

    • Most of the world's bacteria do not infect or harm us or the organisms we are most concerned about, and cannot be grown for study in pure cultures.

    • Many bacteria in the world are known only in complex ecosystems called biofilms, where they live with other species of bacteria in a cooperative system.

    • In 1980, The U. S. Supreme Court ruled in the Chakrabarty case that genetically altered life forms could be patented and so obtain legal protection.

    • Where companies had previously relied on trade secrets, the Chakrabarty case meant genetic engineering methods could now be used with more confidence.

    • In 1988, Leder and Stewart received a US patent for the Harvard mouse, genetically altered to be susceptible to cancer. A European patent was refused in 1989.

    • In 1994 British and American research institutions agreed not to patent human gene sequences, closing down some of the growing ethical fury over gene patents. 
    The technology of agriculture
    • Humans have been practising agriculture for about 10,000 years after agriculture was independently invented in at least Mesopotamia, America and New Guinea.

    • For all that we know, there may have been other independent inventions of agriculture in other societies, but so far, we have no evidence of this.

    • The development of agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place and so have better shelter, and also own more possessions than they could carry around.

    • Farmers were generally able to produce more food than they and their families needed, and this opened the way to some people being able to specialize.

    • Some parts of the farming cycle left farmers with nothing to do but watch their crops grow. This gave them time to think, to observe, and perhaps even tinker.

    • Farmers were able to observe the same basic situation, year by year, with slight differences that allowed them to observe cause and effect at close hand.

    • One of the key changes that allowed agriculture was the development of systems of irrigation, but these required more organized societies to maintain them.

    • The aqueduct was an early means of transporting water with no energy cost, using gravity to carry the water, although inverted siphons were also used at times.

    • The aqueduct could work by gravity when builders could survey a suitable route, build supports and construct a waterproof channel to carry water without leaks.

    • The qanat of ancient Persia was an early means of transporting water with no energy cost, relying on a tunnel going upwards, beneath the water table in hills.

    • Irrigation, combined with agriculture, delivered regular food surpluses allowing some people to specialize in making things that they could sell or barter.

    • Irrigation and agriculture together led to a society in which some people could become full-time soldiers and rulers, while others could become scholars.

    • In 1630, Johann Glauber suggested the use of saltpeter, sodium nitrate, as a fertilizer, implying a recognition of the need for nitrogen when growing plants.

    • In 1645 Sir Richard Weston described crop rotation as he saw it in Flanders: the first reference in English to the habit of using different crops in one field.

    • Around 1701, Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, allowing farmers to sow seed more efficiently and more economically, increasing the efficiency of large farms.

    • Most crops are grown as monoculture crops, making massive outbreaks of pests easier, but offering large economies of scale. Sprays make the risk less.

    • Most sprays kill more than just the pests they are aimed at. Many of the pesticides are accumulated to dangerous levels, either in the soil or the food chain.

    • Many organohalogens are used as pesticides in farming, and the use of these pesticides in agriculture is driven by a consumer demand for blemish-free food.

    • Overgrazing can be a problem in some situations, trading off long-term viability of a farm for short-term gain by a farmer. Economic pressures may favour this.

    • In many cases, the energy output from a farm in the form of food is less than the energy input in terms of materials like fertilizer and pesticides, and fuel.
    There are other SPLATS to be found, but you will need to go back to the main SPLATS page to find the links.

    © The author of this work is Peter Macinnis, who asserts his sole right to the product as it is packaged here, recognising that many of the ideas are common. You are free to use this as a model to do your own version. Copies of this whole file or site may be made and stored or printed for personal or educational use. You can contact me at, but only if you add my first name to the front of that email address — this is a low-tech way of making it harder to harvest the e-mail address I actually read. 

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