Saturday, 12 February 2022

Oersted's experiment

 This is from a book I am about to start pitching:

Hans Oersted is remembered in the name of the unit of magnetic field strength, the oersted. He was also the person who coined the term ‘electromagnetic’. With that sort of introduction, it should not be hard to work out that it was Oersted who first observed the magnetic effect of an electric current. All the same, Oersted was trained in metaphysics (a branch of philosophy), rather than in physics.

Nonetheless, in 1806, he became professor of physics and chemistry at Copenhagen. As well as being the first to prepare metallic aluminium, Oersted is remembered for his discovery of electromagnetism, which he made during a lecture. His discovery of the electromagnetic effect was immediately translated into several languages, though not entirely reliably. The 1826 English source I found for his work contained a contradiction which was not in the 1820 French version I happened to have to hand, so my quotation below is a mix of the two versions.

If he had written in Latin, and we had all been forced to learn Latin, this problem would not have arisen, but even by the 1820s, Latin was no longer universally understood.

The first experiments…were set on foot in the classes for electricity, galvanism and magnetism, which were held by me in the winter just past. By these experiments it seemed…that the magnetic needle was moved from its position by the help of the galvanic apparatus…when the galvanic circuit was closed, but not when open, as certain very celebrated physicists in vain attempted several years ago…

A modern re-enactment of Oersted’s experiment. My choice of the aluminium ruler was deliberate.

You can see the way this worked in the illustration above, but as this is simple enough for the reader to try, let me note that the entire apparatus is one compass, one AA cell, a length of insulated wire and some sticky tape, plus an aluminium ruler which is optional, but it would have pleased Oersted. I bared one end of the wire, taped it to one end of the dry cell (this was sloppy practice but good enough) and bared the other end.

I taped the dry cell to the ruler (or to the rule if you are a pedant), taped the compass to the ruler to stabilise it, and that was it. As you can see, a single dry cell was enough to bring about a noticeable swing. Incidentally, if you reverse the wire (and as a result, the current), the swing reverses, and the same reversal happens if the wire is under the compass.

One of the great continuing arguments in science relates to the need to justify research in advance, usually for the benefit of bean counters, weasels and other parasites, by showing what research is useful for. Even the most useless-looking piece of science can become useful, as Karl Pearson was to discover. Here, Lord Kelvin reflects upon Oersted’s researches:

Oersted would never have made his great discovery of the action of galvanic currents on magnets had he stopped in his researches to consider in what manner they could possibly be turned to practical account; and so we would not now be able to boast of the wonders done by the electric telegraphs. Indeed, no great law in Natural Philosophy has ever been discovered for its practical implications, but the instances are innumerable of investigations apparently quite useless in this narrow sense of the word which have led to the most valuable results.
—Lord Kelvin (1824–1907), 1846, quoted R. A. Gregory, Discovery (1916), 241.

Aside from Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta, the main players in the unravelling of Faraday’s electromagnetism include Georg Ohm, Hans Oersted, and James Clerk Maxwell, who brought us to the point where we could see light as an electromagnetic wave, much as Michael Faraday had expected, leading on to George FitzGerald, and then to Heinrich Hertz, Guglielmo Marconi and beyond.

There are also the users of electricity and magnetism, from Joseph Henry and Edward Davy, who both invented an electric relay, Charles Wheatstone, Alexander Graham Bell, and people like Joseph Swan, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla who made our modern uses of electricity possible.

There was far more to magnetism than compasses for navigation. After Oersted found that a variable current in a wire would make a compass needle deflect from its usual direction, André Marie Ampère (1775–1836), found that like currents attract, then he discovered the solenoid in 1826: this was a coil of insulated wire with a current passing through it, and it would be the basis of transformers, electric motors, relays and electromagnets. The most common and audible household use of the solenoid today is probably in the switching systems which commonly turn the water flow on and off in washing machines.

Ampère completed his work while believing incorrectly in two ‘magnetic fluids’, which he called a northern fluid, and a southern fluid. So long as he observed correctly, and so long as his theory allowed him to make sensible predictions to test, it mattered little. Then in 1831, Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, and soon after, invented the very first electric motors.

Following on from this in 1845, Faraday discovered what we now call the Faraday effect, where a magnetic field makes the plane of polarised light rotate. This later influenced James Clerk Maxwell to come up with the idea of electromagnetic radiation, which led to Hertz inventing radio. And it all came from one simple observation by Oersted, a lifetime earlier!

Science is like that…

And that, by the way, is my preferred name for the book.

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